Welsh Sentences About Giving / Receiving Gifts

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Welcome to Clozemaster, your go-to platform for expanding your Welsh vocabulary! Dive into our curated list of 20 practical Welsh sentences focusing on the art of "Giving / Receiving Gifts." With each sentence accompanied by text-to-speech audio and English translations, our interactive resource is designed to enhance your understanding of Welsh phrases at an intermediate level. Whether you’re looking to improve your conversation skills or master common expressions, these examples will help you express generosity and gratitude seamlessly in Welsh. Sharpen your linguistic abilities and explore the nuances of the Welsh language with us!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Welsh from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Anfonodd Tom anrheg i mi.

    Tom sent me a present.

  • Diolch am yr anrheg.

    Thank you for the gift.

  • Dyma anrheg i chi fel arwydd o'n gwerthfawrogiad.

    Here is a present for you as a token of our appreciation.

  • Fe'i prynais i chi.

    I bought it for you.

  • Gwnaeth e ddiolch i fi am yr anrheg.

    He thanked me for the gift.

  • Gwnaethon ni i gyd roi arian i brynu anrheg pen-blwydd i'n hathro.

    We all chipped in to buy our teacher a birthday present.

  • Gwnaeth roddi swm mawr o arian i'r athrofa.

    He bestowed a large amount of money on the institute.

  • Mae hi'n hoffi lapio anrhegion gyda phapur tlws a rhubanau.

    She likes to wrap presents with pretty paper and ribbons.

  • Mae rhai anrhegion gyda fi.

    I have some gifts.

  • Mae'r sefydliad hwn yn dibynnu yn gyfan gwbl ar roddion gwirfoddol.

    This organization relies entirely on voluntary donations.

  • Nid oedd gan y blwch lawer o anrhegion.

    The box did not have many presents.

  • Pam wnaethoch chi brynu blodau?

    Why did you buy flowers?

  • Prynodd oriawr Swis i'w dad.

    He bought a Swiss watch for his father.

  • Rhoddaid nhw fy hen ddillad.

    I gave them my old clothes.

  • Rhoddais tambwrîn i fy nhad fel anrheg.

    I gave my dad a tambourine as a gift.

  • Rhoddodd breichled diemwnt iddi.

    He gave her a diamond bracelet.

  • Rhoddodd ddarn o gandi iddo.

    She gave him a piece of candy.

  • Roedd yr anrheg wedi ei lapio yn hyfryd.

    The gift was beautifully wrapped.

  • Rydyn ni'n cyfnewid anrhegion Siôn Corn cyfrinachol heddiw.

    We're swapping Secret Santa gifts today.

  • Ydy hwn yn anrheg i mi?

    Is this a gift for me?

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