Welsh Sentences About Describing People

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Looking to enhance your Welsh vocabulary with phrases for describing people? Clozemaster is your go-to resource for mastering intermediate Welsh sentences. Our collection of 20 illustrative Welsh phrases, complete with text-to-speech audio and English translations, is specifically curated to help you articulate descriptions with ease. Whether you're looking to impress with your linguistic skills or aiming to comprehend Welsh descriptions better, these sentences will expand your proficiency. Dive into our engaging lessons and boost your command of descriptive Welsh vocabulary today!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Welsh from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Dim ond ei oed bras y gallwn ni ei hadnabod.

    We can only know her approximate age.

  • Mae ef bron yn berffaith.

    He is almost perfect.

  • Mae ganddi bochau hardd rhosynnaidd.

    She has beautiful rosy cheeks.

  • Mae gan eich llygaid magnetedd penodol.

    Your eyes have a certain magnetism.

  • Mae Mary yn heb lawer o fraster ac yn dal.

    Mary is lean and tall.

  • Mae'n ddi-flewyn-ar-dafod yn ei ddull.

    He is very blunt in his manner.

  • Mae'n ddoeth iawn, yn groes i'r gred boblogaidd.

    He is very wise, contrary to popular belief.

  • Mae'r bachgen yn tenau.

    The boy is slim.

  • Mae'r dyn yn hurtyn cyflawn.

    The man is a complete blockhead.

  • Mae'r tair merch hardd yma i gyd yn nithoedd i mi.

    These three pretty girls are all nieces of mine.

  • Mae Tom mor gyflym รข llewpard.

    Tom is as fast as a leopard.

  • Mae Tom yn ddewrach nag ydw i.

    Tom is braver than I am.

  • Mae Tom yn eithriadol o olygus.

    Tom is exceptionally handsome.

  • Nofiwr cyflym ydw i.

    I am a fast swimmer.

  • Pa un o'ch rhieni ydych chi'n tebyg iddynt?

    Which of your parents do you resemble?

  • Roedd hi'n gwisgo diemwntau pefriog.

    She was wearing sparkling diamonds.

  • Roeddwn i'n amau ei fod yn gelwyddog.

    I suspected he was a liar.

  • Roeddwn i'n teimlo'n ysgafn fel bluen.

    I felt light as a feather.

  • Roedd yn edrych yn anarferol gwelw heddiw.

    He looked unusually pale today.

  • Roedd yn wir yn berson caredig iawn.

    He was indeed a very kind person.

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