Welsh Sentences About At a Restaurant

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Welcome to Clozemaster, your go-to platform for expanding your Welsh vocabulary with essential Welsh sentences and phrases perfect for dining out. Our curated list of 20 "At a Restaurant" sentences in Welsh is designed for intermediate Welsh learners seeking to refine their language skills. Each entry is equipped with text-to-speech audio and English translations to enhance your understanding and pronunciation. Immersive learning with practical Welsh phrases has never been easier. Whether you're preparing for a trip to Wales or just passionate about learning Welsh, this collection is a fantastic resource to practice and master key vocabulary for any dining experience. Dive in and savor the language!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Welsh from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • A allaf ddefnyddio'r tŷ bach?

    May I use the restroom?

  • Allwn ni archebu bwyd nawr?

    Could we order food now?

  • Archebodd nygets cyw iâr i ginio.

    He ordered chicken nuggets for lunch.

  • Beth byddai chi'n hoffi i yfed?

    What would you like to drink?

  • Bydd y bwyty'n ailagor dan reolaeth newydd.

    The restaurant will reopen under new management.

  • Dogn bach o ham, plis, a cwrw drafft.

    A small portion of ham, please, and a draught beer.

  • Esgusodwch fi, gollyngais fy ngweill bwyta.

    Excuse me, I dropped my chopsticks.

  • Ga i darn o gacen gaws?

    Could I have a piece of cheesecake?

  • Mae awyrgylch agos iawn yn y bwyty.

    The restaurant has a very intimate atmosphere.

  • Mae lot o yrwyr lori yn bwyta yma.

    A lot of truck drivers eat here.

  • Mae'n debyg bod y bwyty hwnnw ychydig yn prisus.

    That restaurant is probably a little pricey.

  • Mae'r diodydd hyn yn a la carte.

    These drinks are a la carte.

  • Os gwelwch yn dda, cymryd fy mwyd.

    Please take my food.

  • Pa suddion fffrwthau sydd gennych chi?

    What fruit juices do you have?

  • Rhowch hambyrgyr i mi.

    Please give me a hamburger.

  • Roedd y pryd yn flasus a fforddiadwy.

    The meal was delicious and affordable.

  • Rydw i eisiau un frechdan.

    I want one sandwich.

  • Rydw i wedi bod i'r bwyty yna unwaith o'r blaen.

    I've been to that restaurant once before

  • Ydych chi eisiau hambwrdd gyda hwnna?

    Do you want a tray with that?

  • Ydych chi eisiau'r te poeth neu de iâ?

    Do you want the tea hot or iced?

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