Welsh Sentences About Body

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Welcome to your ultimate resource for expanding your Welsh vocabulary! Our meticulously curated list of 20 Welsh sentences about the human body comes complete with text-to-speech audio and English translations, perfect for intermediate Welsh learners. Immerse yourself in authentic Welsh phrases, improving your language skills with practical examples. Each entry is designed to enhance your understanding of how to discuss the body in Welsh. Whether you're an avid language student or a curious amateur, Clozemaster makes learning Welsh sentences both enjoyable and effective. Start mastering your bodily Welsh vocabulary now and bring your language prowess to the next level!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Welsh from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Ef yw'r trymaf ohonom i gyd.

    He is the heaviest of us all.

  • Fe afaelodd yn fy llaw.

    He gripped my hand.

  • Ges i gamesgoriad y llynedd.

    I had a miscarriage last year.

  • Gwnaeth deigryn rolio i lawr ei boch.

    A tear rolled down her cheek.

  • Gwnaeth e fwrw ei ben-glin ar y bwrdd.

    He bashed his knee on the table.

  • Gwnaeth e fy nhapio i ar yr ysgwydd.

    He tapped me on the shoulder.

  • Gwnaeth hi anadlu yn ddwfn.

    She breathed deeply.

  • Gwnaeth hi rwbio ei llygaid.

    She rubbed her eyes.

  • Mae beichiogrwydd dynol yn para naw mis.

    Human pregnancy lasts nine months.

  • Mae ein holl waed yn mynd trwy ein harennau tua chwe deg gwaith y dydd.

    All of our blood goes through our kidneys about sixty times a day.

  • Mae fy mhen yn ffrwydro.

    My head is exploding.

  • Mae gen i boen gwayw yma.

    I have a throbbing pain here.

  • Mae'r stumog yn un o'r organau mewnol.

    The stomach is one of the internal organs.

  • Rhedodd dagrau i lawr fy bochau.

    Tears ran down my cheeks.

  • Roedd ei ben-glin yn boenus o chwyddedig.

    His knee was painfully swollen.

  • Roedd ei iechyd yn amlwg yn gwanhau.

    His health was visibly weakening.

  • Roedd iris ei llygaid yn las.

    The iris of her eyes was blue.

  • Roedd y bachgen yn welw iawn ac yn crynu ym mhob aelod ag oerfel.

    The boy was very pale and trembled in every limb with cold.

  • Rwyf wedi ennill pwysau.

    I have gained weight.

  • Rwy'n tisian llawer.

    I sneeze a lot.

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