Welsh Sentences About At the Hotel

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Welcome to Clozemaster's linguistic oasis for those aiming to enhance their intermediate Welsh vocabulary with practical hotel-themed phrases. Dive into our collection of 20 curated Welsh sentences, accompanied by text-to-speech audio and English translations, to solidify your language skills. Whether you're preparing for a Welsh-speaking getaway or just looking to boost your conversational abilities, our selection focuses on common Welsh phrases you might use at a hotel, making it an ideal resource. Mastering these essential Welsh sentences will ensure you feel at home while discussing accommodations. Get comfortable with Clozemaster and elevate your fluency in Welsh today!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Welsh from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Allwch chi roi piser o ddŵr yn fy ystafell.

    Please put a pitcher of water in my room.

  • A yw prydau wedi'u cynnwys?

    Are meals included?

  • Cadwch eich ystafell yn taclus.

    Please keep your room tidy.

  • Cyfarfod â fi ym bar y gwesty.

    Meet me at the hotel bar.

  • Dw i angen tywel.

    I need a towel.

  • Dw i eisiau neilltuo ystafell.

    I want to reserve a room.

  • Dylwn i orffen dadbacio.

    I should finish unpacking.

  • Gallwn ddiwallu ei angenion am y noson.

    We can accommodate him for the night.

  • Mae cyfraddau y gwesty'n fforddiadwy.

    The hotel rates are affordable.

  • Mae hi'n cysgu mewn stafell wladwriaeth moethus.

    She sleeps in a luxurious stateroom.

  • Mae pob un o'r randai wedi'u meddiannu.

    All the apartments are occupied.

  • Mae'r gwasanaethau yn y gwesty o'r radd flaenaf.

    The services at the hotel are first-rate.

  • Oes gan yr ystafell system dymheru?

    Does the room have air conditioning?

  • Oes gennych chi ystafell rhatach?

    Do you have a cheaper room?

  • Oes triniwr gwallt yn y gwesty?

    Is there a hairdresser in the hotel?

  • Roedd limwsîn yn aros am Tom tu allan i'r gwesty.

    There was a limousine waiting for Tom outside the hotel.

  • Roedd yr arwydd ystafeloedd ar gael yn fflachio am hanner nos.

    The vacancy sign blinked at midnight.

  • Rwy'n byw yn y gwesty hwn.

    I live in this hotel.

  • Siaradwch â'r derbynnydd am help.

    Speak to the receptionist for help.

  • Ymlaciodd hi yn y lounge cyfforddus.

    She relaxed in the comfortable lounge.

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