Welsh Sentences About Clothes

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Looking to enhance your Welsh vocabulary with clothing-related terms? Our Clozemaster page features 20 curated Welsh sentences dedicated to "Clothes", complete with accurate English translations and high-quality text-to-speech audio to perfect your pronunciation. Ideal for intermediate Welsh learners, this resource allows you to master essential Welsh phrases efficiently. Dive into our immersive learning experience, where each sentence is tailored to help you understand context and usage, bringing you closer to Welsh language fluency. Whether for travel, heritage, or passion, boost your language skills with us today! Join the vibrant community of learners and embrace the beauty of Welsh with our engaging, audio-enhanced sentences.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Welsh from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Daw'r cot law hon ym mhob maint.

    This raincoat comes in all sizes.

  • Defnyddiais ormod o gannydd a gwneud twll yn fy nghrws.

    I used too much bleach and made a hole in my shirt.

  • Fe allech chi basio am eich arddegau os oeddech chi'n gwisgo crys-T.

    You could pass for a teenager if you wore a T-shirt.

  • Gwnaeth e addasu cyff ei grys.

    He adjusted his shirt cuff.

  • Mae dillad yn aml yn crebachu o'u golchi'n anghywir.

    Clothes often shrink when improperly washed.

  • Mae hi'n caru ei ffrog binc.

    She loves her pink dress.

  • Mae'r brethyn hwn yn wirioneddol llyfn a sidanaidd.

    This cloth is really smooth and silky.

  • Mae'r ffrog honno yn cyfateb â'i gwallt coch.

    That dress matches her red hair.

  • Mae'r gwniadau ar fy trowsus yn rhwygo.

    The seams of my pants are ripping.

  • Mae'r sanau a'r esgidiau ymarfer yn newydd.

    The socks and sneakers are new.

  • Mae'r sgert yn hir.

    The skirt is long.

  • Mae Tom yn trio esgidiau ar.

    Tom is trying on shoes.

  • Prynodd Tom lasys newydd ar gyfer ei esgidiau.

    Tom bought new laces for his shoes.

  • Roedd hi'n gwisgo diemwntau pefriog.

    She was wearing sparkling diamonds.

  • Roedd y doctor mewn gŵn gwyn dros siwt las.

    The doctor was in a white gown over a blue suit.

  • Roedd yn gwisgo siwt llwyd heddiw.

    He wore a gray suit today.

  • Sawl het ydych chi'n berchen arno?

    How many hats do you own?

  • Tynhaodd ei wregys.

    He tightened his belt.

  • Wnaeth Tom botymu i fyny ei got.

    Tom buttoned up his coat.

  • Ydych chi wedi gorffen gwisgo?

    Have you finished dressing?

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