Welsh Sentences About Family

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Welcome to our dedicated page for enhancing your Welsh vocabulary, particularly focused on the central theme of 'Family'. Our collection of 20 immersive Welsh sentences offers an engaging way to learn familial Welsh phrases and improve your grasp of intermediate Welsh. Each carefully selected sentence comes with crisp, clear text-to-speech audio, allowing you to hear the natural pronunciation whilst you expand your language skills. Whether you're looking to sharpen your conversational abilities or just enrich your knowledge of Welsh vocabulary, our English translations will ensure that you understand every phrase. Dive into the heart of Welsh culture by mastering these essential family-related sentences today!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Welsh from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Beth sydd wedi dieithrio ef o'i chwaer?

    What has estranged him from his sister?

  • Dechreuodd y plentyn neidio.

    The child began to jump.

  • Dewisodd hi fod yn fam fenthyg.

    She chose to be a surrogate mother.

  • Dim ond un plentyn oedd ganddyn nhw.

    They had only one child.

  • Dydw i byth yn ymweld â fy chwaer

    I never visit my sister.

  • Fe cyflwynodd fi i'w frawd.

    He presented me to his brother.

  • Fe wnaethon ni fabwysiadu plentyn.

    We adopted a child.

  • Gadawyd y plant i ofalu drostynt eu hunain.

    The children were left to fend for themselves.

  • Gwnaeth e fy nghamgymryd am fy mam.

    He mistook me for my mother.

  • Mae e'n perthyn i'r teulu brenhinol.

    He is related to the royal family.

  • Mae fy chwaer fach bob amser yn ceisio fy ngwylltio ond dyw hi byth yn llwyddo.

    My little sister always tries to get a rise out of me but never succeeds.

  • Mae fy mam-gu yn glaf diabetig.

    My grandmother is a diabetic patient.

  • Mae fy nau riant yn gerddorion.

    Both of my parents are musicians.

  • Mae gan Tom farf, yn union fel ei dad, taid, a brodyr.

    Tom has a beard, just like his father, grandfathers, and brothers do.

  • Mae hi'n caru ei mab yn annwyl.

    She loves her son dearly.

  • Rhoddais tambwrîn i fy nhad fel anrheg.

    I gave my dad a tambourine as a gift.

  • Roedd y ferch yn debyg i'w mam.

    The girl resembled her mother.

  • Rydw i'n caru fy mab.

    I love my son.

  • Rydw i'n caru fy nhad.

    I love my dad.

  • Sut mae eich teidiau a neiniau?

    How are your grandparents?

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