Welsh Sentences About Criticizing

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Welcome to the ultimate resource for enhancing your Welsh vocabulary! Our curated list of 20 essential Welsh sentences, complete with text-to-speech audio and English translations, is tailored specifically for intermediate Welsh learners aiming to master the art of criticizing. Dive into the nuances of Welsh phrases that convey critique, and improve your language skills in a practical context. This page is an invaluable tool for anyone looking to expand their command of Welsh, providing authentic examples and pronunciation guidance to ensure you express your opinions with confidence and clarity. Start learning now and add a critical edge to your Welsh language repertoire!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Welsh from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Bydd y math hwnnw o weniaith yn mynd â chi nunlle.

    That sort of flattery will get you nowhere.

  • Gwnaeth rhai papurau newyddion ystumio y newyddion.

    Some newspapers distorted the news.

  • Gwnaeth Tom esgeuluso ei waith.

    Tom neglected his work.

  • Mae bob amser yn cwyno.

    He is always complaining.

  • Mae'n wastraff amser llwyr.

    It is a sheer waste of time.

  • Mae'n ymddwyn yn modd hunanol.

    He behaves in a selfish manner.

  • Mae pobl yn aml yn anwybyddu rhybuddion.

    People often ignore warnings.

  • Mae Ted yn anfedrus i ddysgu Saesneg.

    Ted is incompetent to teach English.

  • Roedd ei benderfyniad yn un hynod o ffôl.

    His decision was extremely foolish.

  • Roedd ei rhegi yn tramgwyddo'r gwrandawyr.

    His swearing offended the listeners.

  • Roedd ei sylwadau yn sarhaus iawn.

    His remarks were very offensive.

  • Roedd ei ymddygiad yn achosi embaras.

    His behavior was embarrassing.

  • Roedd ei ymddygiad yn amhriodol.

    Her behavior was inappropriate.

  • Roedd eu hymddygiad yn hollol amhriodol.

    Their behavior was utterly improper.

  • Roedd rhai aelodau bwrdd yn amau ei allu i redeg y gorfforaeth.

    Some board members questioned his ability to run the corporation.

  • Rydych chi'n drewi o sigaréts.

    You stink of cigarettes.

  • Rydych chi'n edrych fel gwirionyn.

    You look like an imbecile.

  • Rydych chi'n edrych yn ofnadwy heddiw.

    You look awful today.

  • Wnaeth ef gwadu'r ffaith honno.

    He denied that fact.

  • Ydych chi'n cyhuddo fi o fod yn gelwyddog?

    Are you accusing me of being a liar?

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