Welsh Sentences About Politics

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Master your command of politics-related Welsh vocabulary with our comprehensive list of 20 essential sentences. Perfect for intermediate Welsh learners, our resource offers valuable exposure to practical Welsh phrases, complete with text-to-speech audio and English translations to bolster your language skills. Dive into the world of politics and enhance your linguistic prowess by practicing with sentences that are not just informative but also incredibly relevant. Whether you're looking to debate, discuss, or simply understand the political discourse in Welsh, our carefully selected Welsh sentences on politics will empower you to communicate confidently and effectively. Join us now and take a significant step towards fluency in Welsh!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Welsh from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Astudiodd yr ideolegau comiwnyddol ar gyfer ei gwrs gwyddoniaeth wleidyddol.

    He studied the communist ideologies for his political science course.

  • Bydd y llywodraeth yn sancsiynu y sefydliad terfysgol.

    The government will sanction the terrorist organization.

  • Bydd y polisi ond yn cyflymu chwyddiant.

    The policy will only accelerate inflation.

  • Cafodd ei ideoleg wleidyddol ei siapio gan brofiad.

    His political ideology was shaped by experience.

  • Cafodd y Czar ei ddymchwelyd.

    The Czar was overthrown.

  • Cyn belled â bod cenhedloedd sofran yn meddu pŵer mawr, mae rhyfel yn anochel.

    As long as there are sovereign nations possessing great power, war is inevitable.

  • Er bod amseroedd wedi newid, mae'n cynnal ei syniadau chwyldroadol.

    Despite the fact times changed, he maintains his revolutionary ideas.

  • Etholwyd chwe deg cynrychiolwyr.

    Sixty delegates were elected.

  • Gwnaeth y llywydd newydd ddileu llawer o'r protocolau traddodiadol.

    The new president did away with a lot of the traditional protocols.

  • Mae e'n wleidydd egnïol.

    He is an energetic politician.

  • Mae eu gwlad yn cael ei fygwth gan anarchiaeth.

    Their country is threatened by anarchy.

  • Maen nhw'n cyfalafwyr hunan-gyhoeddiedig.

    They are self-proclaimed capitalists.

  • Mae pobl yn aml yn drwygdybio addewidion gwleidyddion.

    People often distrust politicians' promises.

  • Mae'r wlad yn cael ei llywodraethu gan yr arlywydd.

    The country is governed by the president.

  • Mae Tom yn berson rhyddfrydol iawn.

    Tom is a very liberal person.

  • Pleidlais ddemocrataidd benderfynodd yr arweinydd.

    A democratic vote decided the leader.

  • Roedd gweithredwyr yn protestio y tu allan i'r adeilad.

    Activists were protesting outside the building.

  • Roedd y bleidlais yw unfrydol.

    The vote is unanimous.

  • Rydyn ni'n sâl ac wedi blino ar lygredd gwleidyddol.

    We are sick and tired of political corruption.

  • Ymledodd y brotest ledled y wlad o fewn dyddiau.

    The protest spread nationwide within days.

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