Welsh Sentences About Music

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Welcome to the ultimate resource for expanding your Welsh vocabulary through the power of music! Our dedicated page features an engaging collection of 20 Welsh sentences about music, complete with text-to-speech audio and English translations, perfect for intermediate Welsh learners. Immerse yourself in the melodious world of musical phrases as you enhance your understanding of the Welsh language. Whether you seek to sharpen your conversational skills or simply love the lyrical aspect of Welsh, these enriching Welsh phrases will resonate with your learning journey. Tune in and elevate your language proficiency with the rhythm of Welsh sentences that sing.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Welsh from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Chwaraeodd alaw ar y delyn.

    She played a melody on the harp.

  • Chwaraeodd hi sonata.

    She played a sonata.

  • Chwaraeodd y ffidil yn aruthrol.

    He played the violin wonderfully.

  • Cyfansoddwr enwog ydyw.

    He is a famous composer.

  • Daeth Tom yn enwog fel feiolinydd.

    Tom became famous as a violinist.

  • Gwnaeth e glicio ei fysedd i'r curiad.

    He snapped his fingers to the beat.

  • Gwnaeth Tom gyfansoddi y darn hwnnw sawl blwyddyn yn ôl.

    Tom composed that piece several years ago.

  • Mae angen i fyfyrwyr cerddoriaeth ymarfer bob dydd.

    Music students need daily practice.

  • Mae cerddoriaeth yn ddatguddiad uwch na'r holl ddoethineb ac athroniaeth.

    Music is a higher revelation than all wisdom and philosophy.

  • Mae cerddoriaeth yn lleddfu'r enaid.

    Music soothes the soul.

  • Mae gen i ddau docyn ar gyfer y cyngerdd.

    I've got two tickets for the concert.

  • Mae hi'n hoff iawn o gerddoriaeth glasurol, lle mae'n well gen i jazz.

    She loves classical music, whereas I prefer jazz.

  • Mae hi wrth ei bodd yn canu caneuon.

    She loves to sing songs.

  • Mae hi wrth ei bodd yn gwrando ar gerddoriaeth jazz.

    She loves listening to jazz music.

  • Mae pibgodau yn cynhyrchu sain rhyfedd iawn.

    Bagpipes produce a very strange sound.

  • Nid oedd ganddo erioed y ddawn i gyfansoddi alawon.

    He never had the talent for composing melodies.

  • Penderfynodd ei rhieni y byddai'n chwarae'r sielo.

    Her parents decided that she would play the cello.

  • Roedd ganddi ddiddordeb angerddol mewn cerddoriaeth.

    She had a passionate interest in music.

  • Roedd Tom yn chwarae'r trwmped.

    Tom was playing the trumpet.

  • Ydych chi'n mynd i'r cyngerdd?

    Are you going to the concert?

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