Welsh Sentences About School

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Discover the keys to expanding your Welsh vocabulary with our comprehensive list of 20 essential school-related Welsh sentences. Ideal for intermediate Welsh learners, each phrase comes complete with text-to-speech audio and English translations, ensuring you can practice both pronunciation and comprehension. From classroom basics to more complex expressions, mastering these Welsh phrases will not only enhance your language skills but also deepen your understanding of Welsh culture. Dive into our interactive learning experience on Clozemaster, and equip yourself with the essential vocabulary needed for any educational setting in Wales. Start speaking with confidence today by exploring our curated selection of school-centric Welsh sentences.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Welsh from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Fe wnes i ddal gafael ar yr hyn roedd yr athro yn esbonio.

    I caught on to what the teacher was explaining.

  • Gwisgwch ac ewch i'r ysgol.

    Get dressed and go to school.

  • Gwnaethon ni gerdded milltir i'r ysgol.

    We walked a mile to school.

  • Gwnes i weithio'n galed am radd dda yn yr ysgol.

    I worked hard for a good grade in school.

  • Mae ciniawau ysgod yn ffiaidd!

    School lunches are disgusting!

  • Mae ein plant i gyd yn mynd i'r ysgol leol.

    Our children all go to the local school.

  • Mae fy graddau yn uwch na'r cyfartaledd.

    My grades are above average.

  • Mae fy myfyrwyr wedi bod yn aros yn eiddgar am ganlyniadau'r prawf.

    My students have been eagerly awaiting the test results.

  • Mae hi'n boblogaidd yn yr ysgol.

    She is popular at school.

  • Mae'r myfyrwyr yn awr yn cael egwyl.

    The students are having a recess now.

  • Mae'r prifathro yn dal yr awdurdod yn yr ysgol.

    The principal holds the authority in the school.

  • Mae Tom bob amser yn gwneud ei gwaith ysgol yn ddiwyd.

    Tom always does his schoolwork diligently.

  • Nid yw ysmygu yn ganiateir yn y dosbarth.

    Smoking is not permitted in class.

  • Pan roeddwn i yn yr ysgol, ro'n i wir yn casáu ysgrifennu traethodau.

    When I was in school, I really hated writing essays.

  • Rhaid i ni lanhau ein classroom.

    We must clean our classroom.

  • Roedd e'n astudio ar gyfer yr arholiad.

    He was studying for the exam.

  • Rydych chi'n mynd i'r ysgol.

    You go to school.

  • Sam yw fy ngyd-ddisgybl mewn bioleg.

    Sam is my classmate in biology.

  • Ydych chi'n hoffi eich cyd-ddisgyblion?

    Do you like your classmates?

  • Yr athro dull yr ystafell ddosbarth yn araf.

    The teacher approaches the classroom slowly.

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