Welsh Sentences About Sports

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Looking to score with your Welsh vocabulary? Our comprehensive list of 20 dynamic sentences about "Sports" in Welsh is the perfect training ground! Designed to cater to intermediate Welsh learners, each entry features authentic Welsh phrases complete with text-to-speech audio and English translations. Dive into the action and expand your language skills by mastering phrases that bring the exciting world of sports to vibrant life. Whether you're a dedicated polyglot or a passionate fan of all things Welsh, our resource is your ticket to a winning streak in language fluency. Get ready to converse like a local sports commentator and advance your intermediate Welsh with every play!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Welsh from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Ar ôl ergyd galed yn y gêm, roedd y chwaraewr yn anymwybodol.

    After a hard hit in the game, the player was unconscious.

  • Chi'ch dau yw niwclews y tîm.

    You two are the nucleus of the team.

  • Enillodd tîm pêl-droed fy mab y gêm.

    My son's football team won the game.

  • Enillon nhw Gwpan Japan dair blynedd yn olynol.

    They won the Japan Cup three years in succession.

  • Gallai brin cerdded ar ôl rhedeg.

    She could barely walk after running.

  • Llwyddodd i ennill y ras.

    He succeeded in winning the race.

  • Mae Bob yn mwynhau chwarae chwaraeon.

    Bob enjoys playing sports.

  • Mae ein tîm yn dal i fod heb ei drechu.

    Our team is still undefeated.

  • Mae e'n athletwr da.

    He is a good athlete.

  • Mae hi'n ennill y ras.

    She is winning the race.

  • Mae hi'n ymarfer gymnasteg bob prynhawn.

    She practices gymnastics every afternoon.

  • Mae'n cymryd rhan mewn cystadleuaethau chwaraeon yn aml.

    He often participates in sports competitions.

  • Maen nhw'n nerfus wrth wylio pêl-fasged.

    They get nervous while watching basketball.

  • Mae Ron yn hoffi syrffio.

    Ron likes surfing.

  • Nes i anafu fy llo yn chwarae pêl-fasged.

    I injured my calf playing basketball.

  • Nes i ei guro yn golff.

    I beat him at golf.

  • Roedd ei broffwydoliaeth ar gyfer y gêm yn anghywir.

    His prediction for the game was wrong.

  • Roedd hi'n anfadwaith.

    It was a foul play.

  • Rwy'n chwarae pêl foli llawer.

    I play volleyball a lot.

  • Ymosododd y chwaraewr ar y dyfarnwr.

    The player attacked the referee.

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