Welsh Sentences About Weather

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Welcome to Clozemaster, the ultimate platform for boosting your Welsh vocabulary! Dive into our comprehensive collection of Welsh sentences focused on the ever-changing world of weather. These 20 curated Welsh phrases, complete with text-to-speech audio and English translations, are designed specifically for intermediate Welsh learners eager to enhance their language skills. Here, you can practice pronunciation and fluency with authentic weather-related expressions. Whether you're planning a trip to Wales or just passionate about learning the language, our interactive exercises will equip you with the essential vocabulary to discuss the weather like a native. Start mastering Welsh today!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Welsh from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Cafodd y bobl eu gwacáu} oherwydd y llifogydd.

    The people were evacuated because of the flood.

  • Cafodd y gêm bêl-droed ei fyrhau gan law.

    The football game was shortened by rain.

  • Gwnaeth cwmwl hofran yn yr awyr.

    A cloud floated across the sky.

  • Gwnaeth y gwynt chwythu drwy'r nos.

    The wind blew all night long.

  • Gwnaeth yr haul ymddangos} o'r tu ôl i'r cymylau.

    The sun emerged from behind the clouds.

  • Heddiw mae'r tywydd yn braf.

    Today the weather is nice.

  • Heddiw yw'r diwrnod poethaf eleni.

    Today is the hottest day this year.

  • Mae dyn tywydd yn rhywun nad yw'r tywydd bob amser yn cytuno ag ef.

    A weatherman is someone with whom the weather does not always agree.

  • Mae hi wedi bod yn bwrw glaw am wythnos.

    It rained for a week.

  • Mae'n debygol y bydd hi'n bwrw glaw y prynhawn yma.

    It will likely rain this afternoon.

  • Mae'n mynd yn oerach wrth i'r gaeaf agosáu.

    It's getting colder as winter approaches.

  • Mae'n well i ti wisgo côt law.

    You had better put on a raincoat.

  • Mae'r storm yn dod.

    The storm is coming.

  • Pan wnes i ddeffro, roedd hi'n bwrw eira.

    When I awoke, it was snowing.

  • Roedd bwyd yn dechrau mynd yn brin yn ystod y sychder.

    Food was getting scarce during the drought.

  • Roedden ni'n chwysu yn y gwres.

    We were sweating in the heat.

  • Roedd hi'n noson dywyll.

    It was a dark night.

  • Roedd yr awyr yn hynod o gymylog heddiw.

    The sky was depressingly cloudy today.

  • Waeth o'r tywydd garw, penderfynais fynd allan.

    Regardless of the bad weather, I decided to go out.

  • Wnaeth y corwynt dileu y pentref i gyd.

    The hurricane obliterated the entire village.

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