German Sentences About Food and Drink

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Welcome to Clozemaster, your go-to destination for expanding your German vocabulary! Our carefully curated list of 20 engaging German sentences about Food and Drink will not only enrich your lexicon but also enhance your comprehension skills. Aimed at intermediate German learners, these sentences, complete with audio and English translations, are designed to improve your grasp of everyday German phrases. Dive into our interactive text-to-speech platform and master the art of food-related conversation in German. Whether you're dining out or simply passionate about learning, these sentences will season your linguistic abilities to perfection. Start speaking like a native with Clozemaster today!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the German from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Bist du Vegetarier oder Veganer?

    Are you vegetarian or vegan?

  • Der Champagner-Korken knallte heraus.

    The champagne cork popped out.

  • Dieser Whisky ist sehr stark.

    This whisky is very strong.

  • Diese Suppe ist exquisit.

    This soup is exquisite.

  • Du darfst jetzt einen Keks essen.

    You may eat a cookie now.

  • Eine kleine Portion Schinken, bitte, und ein Fassbier.

    A small portion of ham, please, and a draught beer.

  • Herr Jones kostet die Suppe, die seine Frau gemacht hat.

    Mr. Jones is tasting the soup his wife made.

  • Ich genieße es, meine Getränke mit einem Strohhalm zu trinken.

    I enjoy drinking my beverages with a straw.

  • Ich habe eine Packung Milch im Supermarkt gekauft.

    I bought a carton of milk from the supermarket.

  • Ich habe schrecklichen Hunger.

    I am terribly hungry.

  • Ich hätte gerne ein Glas Tequila.

    I would like a glass of tequila.

  • Ich mag prickelnde und fruchtige Weine.

    I like sparkling and fruity wines.

  • Ist es eine gute Quelle für Kalium?

    Is it a good source of potassium?

  • Japan importiert Orangen aus Kalifornien.

    Japan imports oranges from California.

  • Magst du Austern?

    Do you like oysters?

  • Möchtest du ein Getränk?

    Would you like a drink?

  • Möchtest du etwas Salat?

    Would you like some salad?

  • Sie hat ihren Kaffee verschüttet.

    She spilled her cup of coffee.

  • Was möchtest du trinken?

    What would you like to drink?

  • Was sind einige deiner liebsten französischen Weine?

    What are some of your favorite French wines?

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