German Sentences About Position / Location

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Welcome to Clozemaster, your go-to platform for mastering intermediate German vocabulary with ease! Our curated list features 20 practical German sentences centered on "Position / Location," complete with accurate English translations. Each phrase is equipped with high-quality text-to-speech audio to enhance your pronunciation skills. These essential German phrases are expertly designed to bolster your comprehension of spatial language, a stepping stone towards fluency. Join countless learners in advancing your conversational prowess and expanding your knowledge of German vocabulary today. Get ready to confidently describe location and position with our interactive German sentence practice.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the German from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Auf dem Tisch lag ein Tonbandgerät.

    There was a tape recorder on the table.

  • Das Badezimmer ist unten.

    The bathroom is downstairs.

  • Das Fahrrad neigt sich nach rechts, bevor es nach rechts abbiegt.

    The bike leans to the right before turning right.

  • Der Priester wohnt in der Nähe der Kirche.

    The priest lives near the church.

  • Die Bibliothek befindet sich im zentralen Teil der Stadt.

    The library is in the central part of the city.

  • Die Katze ist hinter dem Sofa verschwunden.

    The cat disappeared behind the sofa.

  • Die Uhr ist an der Wand.

    The clock is on the wall.

  • Er stand.

    He was standing.

  • Ich bewahre es auf dem Dachboden auf.

    I keep it in the attic.

  • Ich sah sie im Flur.

    I saw them in the hallway.

  • Ich stehe in der Mitte des Schulhofs.

    I am standing in the middle of the schoolyard.

  • John sitzt neben Jack.

    John sits by Jack.

  • Legen Sie es in Reichweite.

    Put it within reach.

  • Mein Zimmer ist im vierten Stock.

    My room is on the fourth floor.

  • Sie leben dort.

    They live there.

  • Sie saß auf der anderen Seite.

    She sat on the other side.

  • Tom ging auf die Aufzüge zu.

    Tom walked toward the elevators.

  • Tom ist im Keller.

    Tom is in the basement.

  • Tom sitzt schon seit Stunden am Flussufer.

    Tom has been sitting on the riverbank for hours.

  • Wo ist der Briefkasten?

    Where is the mailbox?

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