German Sentences About Religion

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Welcome to Clozemaster – your go-to resource for expanding your German vocabulary! Delve into the essence of spirituality with our curated list of 20 thought-provoking German sentences about "Religion," complete with accurate English translations. Designed for intermediate German learners, our collection not only enhances your language skills but also provides insight into cultural perspectives. Each sentence comes alive with text-to-speech audio, allowing you to perfect your pronunciation. Whether you're looking to master German phrases for a conversation or seeking to understand religious discourse, our interactive platform offers a unique and immersive learning experience. Start learning today and elevate your proficiency in German!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the German from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Bitte betet für die Menschen, die an Bord waren.

    Please say a prayer for those who were onboard.

  • Der Buddhismus hatte seinen Ursprung in Indien.

    Buddhism had its beginnings in India.

  • Der Dämon ist tot.

    The demon is dead.

  • Die Angst vor einigen göttlichen und höchsten Mächten hält die Menschen in Gehorsam.

    The fear of some divine and supreme powers keeps men in obedience.

  • Dies ist ein biblischer Text.

    This is a biblical text.

  • Du solltest auf die Bibel schwören.

    You should swear on the Bible.

  • Ein Heiligenschein erschien um den Kopf des heiligen Mannes.

    A halo appeared around the holy man's head.

  • Er wurde von vielen als Retter angesehen.

    He was considered a savior by many.

  • Gott, hör mein Gebet.

    God, hear my prayer.

  • Ich befreie dich von deinen Sünden.

    I absolve you from your sins.

  • In diesem Land verehrten die Menschen Geld wie einen Gott.

    In that country, people worshipped money like a god.

  • Lobet den Herrn!

    Praise the Lord!

  • Nichts ist heilig.

    Nothing is holy.

  • Sie essen freitags Fisch.

    They eat fish on Fridays.

  • Sie tat stillschweigend ihre Buße.

    She did her penance quietly.

  • Sie verehren den allmächtigen Dollar.

    They worship the almighty dollar.

  • Tom ging als christlicher Missionar nach Korea.

    Tom went to Korea as a Christian missionary.

  • Wenn Gott ein elftes Gebot gegeben hätte, frage ich mich, was es gewesen wäre.

    If God had given an eleventh commandment, I wonder what it would have been.

  • Wir hörten die Glocken der Kirche.

    We heard the church bells.

  • Wissen Sie, welcher Gottheit dieser Tempel gewidmet ist?

    Do you know which deity this temple is dedicated to?

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