French Sentences About Weather

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Welcome to the ultimate resource for boosting your French vocabulary through interactive learning! Our curated collection features 20 practical French sentences related to 'Weather', complete with text-to-speech audio and accurate English translations. These French phrases are perfect for intermediate French learners seeking to enhance their conversational skills and comprehension. From sunny days to stormy nights, master the essential vocabulary with ease and confidence. Dive into our engaging French language exercises now, and watch your fluency in discussing the weather, and other topics, soar to new heights!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the French from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Aujourd'hui est le jour le plus chaud de l'année.

    Today is the hottest day this year.

  • Aujourd'hui, le temps est agréable.

    Today the weather is nice.

  • C'était une nuit sombre.

    It was a dark night.

  • Il a plu pendant une semaine.

    It rained for a week.

  • Il va probablement pleuvoir cet après-midi.

    It will likely rain this afternoon.

  • La force du vent était puissante.

    The force of the wind was powerful.

  • La nourriture devenait rare pendant la sécheresse.

    Food was getting scarce during the drought.

  • La pluie était continue toute la journée.

    The rain was continuous all day.

  • La tempête arrive.

    The storm is coming.

  • Le ciel était nuageux et déprimant aujourd'hui.

    The sky was depressingly cloudy today.

  • L'éclair précède le tonnerre.

    Lightning precedes thunder.

  • Le lever du soleil était incroyablement beau.

    The sunrise was incredibly beautiful.

  • Le match de football a été raccourci à cause de la pluie.

    The football game was shortened by rain.

  • Les gens ont été évacués à cause de l'inondation.

    The people were evacuated because of the flood.

  • Le vent a soufflé toute la nuit.

    The wind blew all night long.

  • L'ouragan a rasé tout le village.

    The hurricane obliterated the entire village.

  • Nous étions en train de transpirer sous la chaleur.

    We were sweating in the heat.

  • Nous pensons qu'il va pleuvoir.

    We think it's going to rain.

  • Tu ferais mieux de mettre un imperméable.

    You had better put on a raincoat.

  • Un nuage a flotté dans le ciel.

    A cloud floated across the sky.

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