Indonesian Sentences About At a Restaurant
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Enhance your Indonesian vocabulary with our carefully curated list of 20 "At a Restaurant" sentences, designed specifically for intermediate learners. Each sentence is paired with text-to-speech audio and precise English translations, providing an immersive learning experience. Perfect for anyone keen on mastering Indonesian phrases used in dining contexts, this page is your go-to resource for practical language acquisition. Whether you're planning a trip to Indonesia or simply expanding your linguistic skills, these Indonesian sentences will elevate your conversational abilities. Dive in and discover a more engaging way to learn Indonesian at Clozemaster!
Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Indonesian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.
Aku mau sepotong sandwich.
I want one sandwich.
Apa aku boleh meminta sepotong cheesecake?
Could I have a piece of cheesecake?
Apa aku menggunakan kamar kecil?
May I use the restroom?
Apakah Anda memiliki hidangan daerah?
Do you have any regional dishes?
Apa kamu mau satu nampan dengan itu?
Do you want a tray with that?
Apa kita bisa memesan makanan sekarang?
Could we order food now?
Bolehkah aku melihat menunya?
May I see a menu, please?
Dia memesan lobster di restoran mewah tersebut.
He ordered lobster at the fancy restaurant.
Dia memesan nugget ayam untuk makan siang.
He ordered chicken nuggets for lunch.
Dia selalu meminta tambahan buah zaitun.
She always requests extra olives.
Jus buah apa yang kamu punya?
What fruit juices do you have?
Kamu mau minum apa?
What would you like to drink?
Makanannya lezat dan terjangkau.
The meal was delicious and affordable.
Mereka mengklaim bahwa ini adalah restoran terbaik.
They claim it's the best restaurant.
Pelayan membawakan makanan kami.
The waiter brought our meals.
Permisi, sumpit saya terjatuh.
Excuse me, I dropped my chopsticks.
Restoran ini memiliki suasana yang sangat akrab.
The restaurant has a very intimate atmosphere.
Restoran itu mungkin sedikit mahal.
That restaurant is probably a little pricey.
Tolong ambilkan makananku.
Please take my food.
Tolong dua orang dewasa.
Two adults, please.
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