Indonesian Sentences About Crime

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Looking to enhance your Indonesian vocabulary with real-life context? Dive into our curated list of 20 sentences about "Crime" in Indonesian, complete with text-to-speech audio and English translations. This resource is perfect for intermediate Indonesian learners eager to build their skills with practical sentences and phrases. Each sentence is designed to help you grasp the language more effectively by providing essential vocabulary used in common scenarios. Whether you're mastering Indonesian phrases or advancing your understanding of Indonesian sentences, this page offers an immersive experience to boost your fluency and comprehension. Start improving your intermediate Indonesian today!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Indonesian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Aku memborgolnya.

    I put handcuffs on him.

  • Aku membutuhkan kunci untuk memecahkan pesan ini.

    I need the key to decode this message.

  • Anak yang hilang dicari oleh polisi.

    The missing child was sought by police.

  • Dia ditangkap karena melakukan sabotase.

    He was arrested for sabotage.

  • Kejahatan semakin meningkat.

    Crime is increasing.

  • Mereka melaporkannya ke pihak berwenang.

    They reported it to the authorities.

  • Mereka menggali sebuah kotak yang berisi jasad manusia.

    They dug up a box containing human remains.

  • Pencuri berusaha membuka brankas.

    The thief attempted to open the safe.

  • Pencuri mencuri dompet saya.

    The thief stole my wallet.

  • Pencuri tersebut telah ditangkap pagi ini.

    The thief was apprehended this morning.

  • Peretas masuk ke komputer tanpa izin.

    Hackers break into computers without permission.

  • Polisi menangkap para penjahat.

    The police arrested the crooks.

  • Rasa bersalah meninggalkan petunjuk di mana-mana.

    The guilty left hints everywhere.

  • Rumor mengatakan bahwa dia adalah seorang pencopet.

    Rumor says that she is a pickpocket.

  • Tahanan tersebut dibebaskan setelah 10 tahun.

    The prisoner was set free after 10 years.

  • Tom divonis hukuman penjara seumur hidup.

    Tom was sentenced to life in prison.

  • Tom memalsukan kematiannya.

    Tom faked his death.

  • Tom mengaku membunuh Mary.

    Tom confessed to murdering Mary.

  • Tom menghilang tanpa jejak.

    Tom disappeared without a trace.

  • Tom terpancing masuk ke dalam perangkap.

    Tom was lured into a trap.

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