Indonesian Sentences About Safety

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Looking to enhance your Indonesian vocabulary with a focus on safety-related terms? Our Clozemaster page offers a curated list of 20 Indonesian sentences that are perfect for intermediate learners. Each sentence comes with text-to-speech audio and English translations to aid your comprehension and pronunciation. Discover practical Indonesian phrases related to safety, designed to boost your fluency and confidence in real-world situations. Whether you're traveling to Indonesia or advancing your language skills, these sentences are an excellent resource. Dive into Indonesian language learning today and master essential Indonesian sentences effortlessly!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Indonesian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Apakah tempat ini aman?

    Is this place secure?

  • Bahayanya minimal.

    The danger is minimal.

  • Bahaya yang diramalkan adalah bahaya yang dihindari.

    A danger foreseen is a danger avoided.

  • Berhati-hatilah saat menyeberang jalan.

    Be careful crossing the street.

  • Di lokasi bangunan, topi keras harus selalu dikenakan.

    On building sites, hard hats must be worn at all times.

  • Ia menyimpan pistolnya dalam sebuah kotak.

    He stores his pistols in a case.

  • Ingatlah untuk menetapkan kata sandi yang kuat.

    Remember to set a strong password.

  • Istana ini dijaga dengan ketat.

    The palace was heavily guarded.

  • Jangan jatuhkan gelasnya.

    Don't drop the glass.

  • Kami tinggal di dalam rumah selama badai.

    We stayed inside during the storms.

  • Kamu akan membutuhkan pengawal.

    You will need a bodyguard.

  • Kita harus waspada di malam hari.

    We must be vigilant at night.

  • Label memperingatkan bahwa isi kotak ini rapuh.

    The label warns that the contents of the box are fragile.

  • Lakukan tindakan pencegahan.

    Take precautions.

  • Mereka menangkap seorang penyusup di dalam rumah.

    They caught an intruder in the house.

  • Pengemudi harus mengenakan sabuk pengaman.

    Drivers should wear seat belts.

  • Perhatikan jari kaki Anda.

    Watch your toes.

  • Petugas keamanan tetap berjaga-jaga sepanjang malam.

    The security guard remained watchful all night.

  • Saya membiarkannya terbuka.

    I left it unlocked.

  • Semua mobil polisi dilengkapi dengan kaca antipeluru.

    All the police cars were equipped with bulletproof glass.

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