Indonesian Sentences About Relationships
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Welcome to our Clozemaster page, where you can boost your Indonesian vocabulary with 20 carefully selected sentences about "Relationships" in Indonesian. Designed for those at the intermediate Indonesian level, this resource provides a rich context for mastering essential Indonesian phrases. Each sentence comes with text-to-speech audio and accurate English translations, making it easier to grasp pronunciation and meaning. Whether you're looking to expand your Indonesian sentences repertoire or enhance your understanding of relationship-related phrases, this page offers an excellent way to refine your skills and immerse yourself in the nuances of the Indonesian language.
Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Indonesian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.
Aku menceritakan rahasia ini kepada Tom.
I told the secret to Tom.
Aku menghargai dukungan mu.
I appreciate your support.
Aku menolak untuk termakan tipu muslihatnya.
I refuse to be taken in by her guile.
Aku percaya padanya.
I trust her.
Anna mengungkapkan bahwa dia adalah seorang lesbian.
Anna revealed she's a lesbian.
Beri Tom ciuman.
Give Tom a kiss.
Bob mengeluh kepada temannya.
Bob complained to his friend.
Dia memiliki banyak kenalan.
He has a lot of acquaintances.
Dia memperlakukanku seperti anak kecil.
He treats me as a child.
Dia menaksirnya lebih dari siapa pun.
He fancies her more than anyone.
Dia mengkhianati kepercayaannya.
She betrayed his trust.
Dia menyembunyikan sebuah rahasia darinya.
She was concealing a secret from him.
Kakakku seorang gay.
My brother is gay.
Kami memiliki kepentingan yang sama.
We have common interests.
Keegoisanmu akan membuatmu kehilangan teman.
Your selfishness will lose you your friends.
Mary memberi Tom sekotak cokelat yang dicampur racun.
Mary gave Tom a box of chocolates laced with poison.
Pasangan ini saling berpelukan erat.
The couple embraced each other tightly.
Saya jarang bertemu dengannya.
I see him rarely.
Tom memiliki dua orang pacar.
Tom has two girlfriends.
Tom mengirimkan pesan kepada Mary.
Tom sent Mary a message.
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