Indonesian Sentences About Emotions

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Enhance your Indonesian vocabulary with Clozemaster's curated list of 20 sentences about "Emotions" in Indonesian. Perfect for learners at the intermediate Indonesian level, this collection offers an engaging way to deepen your understanding of emotional expressions in the language. Each sentence is paired with text-to-speech audio and accurate English translations, ensuring you master pronunciation and contextual meaning. Whether you're looking to expand your knowledge of Indonesian sentences or seeking practical Indonesian phrases to use in conversation, this resource is designed to boost your fluency and confidence. Explore these essential sentences and elevate your language skills today.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Indonesian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Aku ketakutan selama menonton film horor.

    I freaked out during the horror movie.

  • Aku merasa lebih aman di sini.

    I feel safer here.

  • Apa kau marah?

    Are you upset?

  • Dia berhasil mengatasi kesulitan tersebut.

    She overcame the difficulty.

  • Dia berteriak ketika dia marah.

    She yells when she is angry.

  • Dia ingin membalas atas penghinaan tersebut.

    He wanted revenge for the insult.

  • Dia menaksirnya lebih dari siapa pun.

    He fancies her more than anyone.

  • Dia mengagumi keberaniannya.

    He admired her for her courage.

  • Dia menjawab dengan senyum sinis.

    He answered with a sarcastic smile.

  • Dia merasa sangat tertekan akhir-akhir ini.

    He has felt very depressed recently.

  • Dia mulai terisak tak terkendali.

    She began to sob uncontrollably.

  • Dia sangat pendiam hari ini.

    He is unusually quiet today.

  • Dia selalu mendorongku untuk mencoba.

    She always encourages me to try.

  • Jadi, persahabatan juga merupakan syarat untuk kebahagiaan.

    So friendship is also a requirement for happiness.

  • Kebiasaannya yang aneh membuat mereka bingung.

    His strange habit confounded them.

  • Lagu ini sangat menyentuh.

    This song is very touching.

  • Mereka mengucapkan perpisahan terakhir di bandara.

    They said a final farewell at the airport.

  • Pesta ulang tahun menggairahkan anak-anak.

    The birthday party excites the children.

  • Sebuah kekosongan melahap hatiku.

    An emptiness devours my heart.

  • Tidak ada gunanya menangisi susu yang tumpah.

    It is no use crying over spilt milk.

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