Indonesian Sentences About Requesting Help

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Enhance your Indonesian vocabulary with Clozemaster's curated list of 20 essential sentences focused on "Requesting Help" in Indonesian. This page offers practical Indonesian phrases equipped with text-to-speech audio and precise English translations, perfect for intermediate Indonesian learners looking to deepen their language skills. By practicing these sentences, you'll learn to communicate more effectively in everyday situations, strengthening your ability to ask for assistance in Indonesian. Whether you're traveling or conversing with local speakers, mastering these phrases will boost your confidence. Dive into this resource to elevate your understanding of Indonesian sentences and improve your conversational proficiency.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Indonesian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Ada semut di dapur, jadi kami perlu memanggil pembasmi semut.

    We have ants in the kitchen, so we need to call an exterminator.

  • Apa aku boleh menutup jendela?

    May I close the window?

  • Apa kamu bisa membantu ku?

    Can you help me, please?

  • Apa kamu bisa meminjamkanku stapler?

    Will you please lend me a stapler?

  • Bantu aku mencetak ini.

    Help me print this.

  • Bisakah Anda membantu saya?

    Could you assist me, please?

  • Bisakah Anda membersihkan toilet?

    Could you clean the toilet, please?

  • Bolehkah aku merokok?

    May I smoke?

  • Dengarkan aku!

    Listen to me!

  • Dia membutuhkan bantuan.

    She needs help.

  • Harap baca tanda tersebut.

    Please read the sign.

  • Panggil polisi!

    Call the police!

  • Saya harus menemukan ATM dengan cepat.

    I need to find an ATM quickly.

  • Siapa yang memakan semua pai itu?

    Who ate all the pies?

  • Tolong jelaskan.

    Please explain it.

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