Indonesian Sentences About Languages

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Expand your Indonesian vocabulary with Clozemaster's curated list of 20 sentences about "Languages" in Indonesian. Perfect for intermediate Indonesian learners, this page offers a seamless blend of text-to-speech audio and accurate English translations, ensuring you can both see and hear how each phrase is used. By practicing with these real-world Indonesian sentences, you'll enhance your language skills and deepen your understanding of Indonesian phrases in context. Whether you're brushing up on existing skills or looking to explore new topics, these intermediate Indonesian resources are designed to accelerate your learning journey effectively and efficiently.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Indonesian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Aku suka berbicara bahasa Welsh.

    I like speaking Welsh.

  • Apa arti kata ini?

    What does this word mean?

  • Bagaimana kata tersebut diucapkan?

    How is the word pronounced?

  • Bahasa Inggris digunakan di banyak negara.

    English is spoken in many countries.

  • Bahasa Latin adalah bahasa klasik.

    Latin is a classical language.

  • Bandingkan terjemahan Anda dengan punyanya.

    Compare your translation with his.

  • Baru-baru ini saya mulai belajar bahasa Spanyol.

    I recently started learning Spanish.

  • Belajar bahasa Finlandia membutuhkan waktu.

    Learning Finnish takes time.

  • Budaya menghancurkan bahasa.

    Culture destroys languages.

  • Dia adalah pembicara bahasa Inggris yang baik.

    He is such a good English speaker.

  • Dia berbicara bahasa Inggris dengan sempurna.

    He speaks English perfectly.

  • Dia berbicara dengan aksen Irlandia.

    She speaks with an Irish accent.

  • Dia menjelaskan arti harfiah dari frasa tersebut.

    She explained the literal meaning of the phrase.

  • Dia sedang belajar bahasa Hongaria.

    He's learning the Hungarian language.

  • Dia sedang belajar bahasa Spanyol untuk bekerja.

    He is learning Spanish for work.

  • Kata ini memiliki dua arti.

    This word has two meanings.

  • Kata ini terdiri dari satu suku kata.

    This word is made up of one syllable.

  • Semua orang dapat berbicara bahasa Prancis dengan baik di Tunisia.

    Everyone can speak French well in Tunisia.

  • Terjemahan ini tidak menangkap makna aslinya.

    These translations don't capture the original meaning.

  • Tolong perbaiki pengucapanku.

    Please correct my pronunciation.

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