Indonesian Sentences About Making Plans

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Enhance your Indonesian vocabulary with our curated list of 20 sentences focused on "Making Plans". Perfect for intermediate Indonesian learners, these sentences come with text-to-speech audio and English translations to boost your language skills. Whether you're looking to master essential Indonesian phrases or expand your conversational abilities, this resource provides practical examples that can be easily integrated into daily use. Engage with real-life Indonesian sentences designed to improve comprehension and pronunciation. Start refining your language proficiency and confidently make plans in Indonesian with ease. Explore this valuable tool to elevate your learning experience today.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Indonesian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Aku akan pergi sekarang.

    I am leaving right now.

  • Aku sudah janji temu sebelumnya.

    I have a previous appointment.

  • Apakah kita punya pengasuh untuk malam ini?

    Do we have a babysitter for tonight?

  • Datanglah lebih awal besok.

    Come early tomorrow.

  • Dia berniat untuk bermain tenis.

    She intends to play tennis.

  • Dia selalu memiliki rencana cadangan.

    She always has a backup plan.

  • Dia selalu mengundang teman-temannya untuk makan malam.

    He always invites his friends for dinner.

  • Kami akan merayakan ulang tahun saya minggu depan.

    We will celebrate my birthday next week.

  • Kami akan segera liburan.

    We're going on a vacation soon.

  • Kami mempertimbangkan semua pro dan kontra sebelum memutuskan apa yang akan kami lakukan.

    We are considering all the pros and cons before deciding what we will do.

  • Kami merencanakan tujuan yang berbeda untuk berlibur.

    We planned different destinations for vacation.

  • Kami sedang menyelesaikan tata letak hari ini.

    We are finalizing the layout today.

  • Kapan Anda akan tiba di pesta?

    When will you arrive at the party?

  • Mari kita bertemu di dapur.

    Let's meet in the kitchen.

  • Mari kita bicarakan tentang rencana kami.

    Let's talk about our plans.

  • Rencana liburanku sangat menarik.

    My plans for vacation are exciting.

  • Rencananya dibatalkan.

    His plan was discarded.

  • Saya akan mengundangnya untuk makan malam.

    I will invite him to dinner.

  • Tom dan Mary berbicara tentang segala sesuatu yang ingin mereka lakukan pada liburan mereka yang akan datang.

    Tom and Mary talked about everything they wanted to do on their upcoming vacation.

  • Tom dan Mary mengunjungi Eropa Utara.

    Tom and Mary visited Northern Europe.

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