Indonesian Sentences About Geography

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Enhance your Indonesian vocabulary with our curated list of 20 sentences focused on "Geography." Perfect for those at an intermediate Indonesian level, this page on Clozemaster offers practical Indonesian sentences and phrases that incorporate essential geographical terms. Each sentence comes with text-to-speech audio to improve pronunciation, alongside English translations for easy comprehension. Whether you're looking to refine your language skills or need Indonesian phrases for travel, this resource provides a comprehensive learning experience. Delve into these sentences to boost your confidence in using intermediate Indonesian vocabulary effectively. Start learning today and expand your linguistic horizons!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Indonesian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Apakah ada air terjun di negaramu?

    Are there waterfalls in your country?

  • Apakah penguin hidup di Kutub Utara?

    Do penguins live in the Arctic?

  • Banyak konferensi internasional telah diadakan di Jenewa.

    Many international conferences have been held in Geneva.

  • Bendera-bendera dunia berkibar dengan gagahnya di markas besar Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa.

    Flags of the world fly proudly at the United Nations headquarters.

  • Bukan, aku orang Inggris.

    No, I am an Englishman.

  • Cina jauh lebih luas daripada Jepang.

    China is much larger than Japan.

  • Cuaca di sini memiliki karakteristik yang unik.

    The weather here has its own unique characteristics.

  • Cuaca New York panas dan lembab di musim panas.

    New York weather is hot and humid in the summer.

  • Dapatkah Anda menyanyikan Lagu Kebangsaan Argentina?

    Can you sing the Argentine National Anthem?

  • Dari aksennya, saya bisa menebak bahwa pria itu adalah orang Skotlandia.

    From his accent, I would guess that man is Scottish.

  • Dia akan dipindahkan ke Selandia Baru.

    She will be relocated to New Zealand.

  • Gunung ini sangat tinggi.

    The mountain is very high.

  • Ibu kota negara ini berada tepat di garis khatulistiwa.

    The capital of the state is right on the equator.

  • Ini adalah danau terdalam di Jepang.

    This is the deepest lake in Japan.

  • Jerman menghasilkan banyak ilmuwan.

    Germany produced many scientists.

  • Kenya dulunya adalah koloni Inggris.

    Kenya used to be a British colony.

  • Pada titik ini, laut menyempit menjadi selat.

    At this point, the sea narrows into a strait.

  • Prancis adalah negara yang indah.

    France is a beautiful nation.

  • Rumania adalah negara Balkan.

    Romania is a Balkan country.

  • Unta-unta itu melintasi padang pasir dengan perlahan.

    The camels crossed the desert slowly.

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