Indonesian Sentences About Fitness
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Enhance your Indonesian vocabulary with our collection of 20 engaging sentences about fitness on Clozemaster. Perfect for intermediate Indonesian learners, this page offers carefully curated Indonesian sentences accompanied by text-to-speech audio and English translations, ensuring effective learning and pronunciation practice. Whether you're interested in boosting your Indonesian phrases related to health and fitness or advancing your general language skills, this resource provides a practical way to immerse yourself in authentic Indonesian contexts. Explore the dynamic world of fitness vocabulary and elevate your language proficiency with these targeted Indonesian sentences designed to deepen your understanding and fluency.
Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Indonesian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.
Aku berlari di pagi hari.
I run in the mornings.
Aku melakukan yoga.
I do yoga.
Beberapa pelari minum air saat mereka berlari.
Some runners drink water as they are running.
Dia adalah seorang yogi yang terampil.
He is a skilled yogi.
Dia berenang dengan baik.
She swims well.
Dia berlari sangat cepat.
He runs very fast.
Dia berolahraga setiap hari.
He exercises on a daily basis.
Dia bisa berlari seribu meter dalam waktu empat menit.
He can run a thousand meters in four minutes.
Dia hampir tidak bisa berjalan setelah berlari.
She could barely walk after running.
Dia jogging selama dua puluh menit.
He jogged for an interval of twenty minutes.
Dia sedang berlatih untuk maraton.
He is training for the marathon.
Dia suka bersepeda di pagi hari.
He loves cycling in the morning.
Ibunya melakukan aerobik seminggu sekali.
Her mother does aerobics once a week.
Latihan ini lebih sederhana daripada yang saya kira.
This exercise is simpler than I thought.
Mari kita pergi mendaki besok.
Let's go for a hike tomorrow.
Mereka berkompetisi dalam lomba lari maraton.
They competed in the marathon.
Petarung ini berlatih keras setiap hari.
The fighter trained hard every day.
Rutinitas latihannya sangat ketat.
The workout routine is extremely rigorous.
Tom terjun ke dalam kolam renang.
Tom dove into the pool.
Yoga membuat Anda lebih fleksibel.
Yoga makes you more flexible.
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