Indonesian Sentences About Criticizing
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Enhance your Indonesian vocabulary with Clozemaster's curated list of 20 Indonesian sentences focused on the theme of criticizing. Ideal for intermediate Indonesian learners, this page features sentences complete with text-to-speech audio and English translations, allowing you to master pronunciation and comprehension. Dive into authentic Indonesian phrases to deepen your understanding and fluency. Perfect for learners aiming to expand their Indonesian sentence repertoire, this resource serves as a practical tool for grasping the nuances of everyday language use. Explore these sentences and elevate your intermediate Indonesian skills to the next level with Clozemaster’s dynamic learning experience.
Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Indonesian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.
Anda bau rokok.
You stink of cigarettes.
Anda terlihat seperti orang dungu.
You look like an imbecile.
Apa kamu menuduhku sebagai pembohong?
Are you accusing me of being a liar?
Beberapa anggota dewan mempertanyakan kemampuannya dalam menjalankan perusahaan.
Some board members questioned his ability to run the corporation.
Dia ikut serta dalam sebuah penipuan besar.
He took part in a big scam.
Dia membantah fakta tersebut.
He denied that fact.
Dia selalu mengeluh.
He is always complaining.
Ini hanya membuang-buang waktu saja.
It is a sheer waste of time.
Kamu orang bodoh.
You are a moron.
Kau terlihat buruk hari ini.
You look awful today.
Keputusannya sangat bodoh.
His decision was extremely foolish.
Kurangnya fleksibilitas merupakan hambatan untuk maju.
Lack of flexibility is an obstacle to progress.
Orang sering mengabaikan peringatan.
People often ignore warnings.
Perilaku mereka benar-benar tidak pantas.
Their behavior was utterly improper.
Perilakunya sangat memalukan.
His behavior was embarrassing.
Perilakunya tidak pantas.
Her behavior was inappropriate.
Sumpah serapahnya membuat para pendengarnya tersinggung.
His swearing offended the listeners.
Ted tidak kompeten untuk mengajar bahasa Inggris.
Ted is incompetent to teach English.
Tom mengabaikan pekerjaannya.
Tom neglected his work.
Ucapannya sangat menyinggung.
His remarks were very offensive.
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