Indonesian Sentences About History

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Unlock the rich world of Indonesian vocabulary with Clozemaster's focused list of 20 engaging Indonesian sentences about "History". Perfect for learners at an intermediate Indonesian level, this page offers authentic Indonesian phrases complete with text-to-speech audio and English translations. Each sentence is carefully chosen to enhance your language skills, making it easier to grasp context and meaning. Whether you're a history buff or just looking to expand your vocabulary, these sentences will help you master the nuances of Indonesian while enjoying the convenience of audio support. Start your journey to fluency with Indonesian history today!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Indonesian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Ada banyak kemajuan teknologi pada awal abad ke-21.

    There were many technological advances at the beginning of the twenty-first century.

  • Aku lahir selama Perang Dingin.

    I was born during the Cold War.

  • Aku warga negara Romawi.

    I am a Roman citizen.

  • Aleksander menaklukkan banyak bangsa.

    Alexander conquered many nations.

  • Beberapa orang mengatakan bahwa dia tidak pernah ada.

    Some say he never existed.

  • Dia mengeksplorasi akar etnis keluarganya.

    She explored her family's ethnic roots.

  • Dodo adalah spesies yang sudah punah.

    The dodo is an already extinct species.

  • Islandia dulunya merupakan bagian dari Denmark.

    Iceland used to belong to Denmark.

  • Konstitusi diproklamasikan pada masa kediktatoran.

    The Constitution was proclaimed during the dictatorship.

  • Kota itu dikepung selama berbulan-bulan.

    The city was under siege for months.

  • Mitos ini menawarkan wawasan tentang peradaban kuno.

    The myth offers insights into the ancient civilization.

  • Orang Arab pra-Islam adalah pengembara.

    The pre-Islamic Arabs were nomads.

  • Para prajurit menyerang kastil.

    The warriors attacked the castle.

  • Perempuan adalah pihak yang paling menderita selama masa Inkuisisi.

    Women were the ones who suffered the most during the Inquisition.

  • Roti adalah makanan paling sederhana dan tertua di dunia.

    Bread is the simplest and oldest food in the world.

  • Sang jenderal memberi perintah untuk mundur.

    The general gave the order to retreat.

  • Siapa yang memerintah negara ini?

    Who ruled this country?

  • Situs arkeologi ini rusak selama perang.

    This archaeological site was damaged during the war.

  • Sungai ini pernah mengalir melalui pusat kota.

    The river once flowed through the center of the city.

  • Tidak ada rel kereta api.

    There were no railroads.

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