Indonesian Sentences About Jobs
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Unlock the power of the Indonesian language with our curated list of 20 sentences about "Jobs". Perfect for intermediate learners, this Clozemaster page offers an engaging way to expand your Indonesian vocabulary. Each sentence includes text-to-speech audio and English translations to enhance your listening and comprehension skills. Dive into practical Indonesian sentences and phrases that will enrich your understanding of the language and culture, preparing you for real-world conversations. Whether you're learning for work, travel, or personal growth, mastering these Indonesian phrases will elevate your language proficiency and boost your confidence in everyday interactions.
Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Indonesian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.
Aku butuh penerjemah.
I need an interpreter.
Aku mengemudikan truk pengiriman.
I drive a delivery truck.
Dia bekerja di industri kosmetik.
She works in the cosmetics industry.
Dia ingin menjadi seorang desainer.
She wants to be a designer.
Dia menulis naskah untuk acara TV.
He writes scripts for TV shows.
Ia bekerja di sebuah biro iklan.
She works for an advertising agency.
Ia memutuskan untuk menjadi seorang penulis.
He decided to become an author.
Ia mengenakan setelan jas agar terlihat profesional untuk wawancara kerjanya.
He wore a suit to look professional for his job interview.
Kakak saya adalah seorang pengemudi truk jarak jauh.
My brother is a long-haul trucker.
Kita perlu meneliti hal ini oleh seorang ahli biologi.
We need to have this researched by a biologist.
Mark adalah seorang wirausahawan yang sukses.
Mark is a successful entrepreneur.
Mekanik merakit mesin.
The mechanic assembled the engine.
Memerintah suatu negara bukanlah pekerjaan mudah.
To govern a country is not an easy job.
Programmer memperbaiki bug perangkat lunak setiap hari.
The programmer fixes software bugs daily.
Seorang tukang sepatu membuat dan memperbaiki sepatu.
A cobbler makes and repairs shoes.
Tom adalah seorang arsitek.
Tom is an architect.
Tom melamar pekerjaan tersebut.
Tom applied for the job.
Tom sedang mencari pekerjaan.
Tom is seeking a job.
Tom sedang merancang bangunan pertamanya.
Tom is designing his first building.
Tom tidak cocok untuk pekerjaan itu.
Tom is unfit for that job.
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