Indonesian Sentences About Travel
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Enhance your Indonesian vocabulary with Clozemaster's curated list of 20 travel-related Indonesian sentences, perfect for intermediate learners. This comprehensive resource offers sentences enriched with text-to-speech audio and precise English translations, ensuring an immersive learning experience. Whether you're planning a trip to Indonesia or aiming to refine your language skills, these Indonesian phrases provide essential vocabulary for real-life interactions. From navigating airports to exploring local markets, each sentence is designed to boost your confidence and proficiency in authentic Indonesian. Dive into these practical sentences and elevate your intermediate Indonesian understanding to new heights with Clozemaster.
Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Indonesian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.
Ada jalan memutar di jalan tersebut.
There was a detour on the road.
Aku ingin pergi ke bulan.
I want to go to the moon.
Ap kamu punya wisata keliling kota ini?
Do you have any sightseeing tours of this town?
Bisakah dia bertahan dalam perjalanan jauh?
Can she endure a long trip?
Dia mengendarai seekor unta.
She rode a camel.
Dia menghabiskan beberapa bulan berkelana keliling Eropa.
He spent a few months wandering around Europe.
Dia tidak pernah kembali dari ekspedisi tersebut.
He never returned from that expedition.
Kami akan tinggal di sana selama tiga malam.
We will stay there for three nights.
Kami menaiki perahu menuju pulau tersebut.
We rode a boat to the island.
Kapan keberangkatan berikutnya?
When is the next departure?
Karena badai, kapal tidak dapat meninggalkan pelabuhan.
Owing to the storm, the ship could not leave port.
Kenapa aku tidak pernah membuat film selama banyak perjalananku?
Why did I never make a movie during my numerous journeys?
Lalu lintas terhalang oleh tanah longsor.
Traffic was blocked by a landslide.
Mari kita memulai perjalanan bersama.
Let's embark on a voyage together.
Mereka sering melakukan perjalanan ke Eropa.
They make frequent trips to Europe.
Mereka terdampar di sebuah pulau terpencil.
They were marooned on a desert island.
Para astronot pergi ke bulan dengan menggunakan roket.
The astronauts went up to the moon in a rocket.
Pemandangan di Roma sangat menakjubkan.
The sights in Rome are breathtaking.
Saya akan melakukan perjalanan panjang.
I'm going on a long journey.
Saya suka naik kereta di seluruh negeri.
I love riding trains across the country.
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