Indonesian Sentences About Disagreeing

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Enhance your Indonesian vocabulary with our curated list of 20 sentences focused on "Disagreeing" in Indonesian. Ideal for learners at an intermediate Indonesian level, this page provides practical phrases to incorporate into your language practice. Each sentence is paired with text-to-speech audio and English translations to ensure holistic learning. Whether you're refining your conversational skills or expanding your Indonesian sentences knowledge, these examples are perfect for mastering how to politely express disagreement. Explore the nuances of Indonesian phrases and elevate your linguistic confidence with Clozemaster’s comprehensive language tools. Dive in and start improving your Indonesian vocabulary today!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Indonesian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Aku melarangmu pergi.

    I forbid you to leave.

  • Aku tidak ingin menolak klaim ini.

    I do not want to reject this claim.

  • Aku tidak sependapat dengannya.

    I don't agree with him.

  • Anda menolak untuk membayar.

    You refused to pay.

  • Anda tidak dapat menyangkal kebenaran.

    You cannot deny the truth.

  • Dia berdebat hanya untuk berdebat.

    She argues just for the sake of arguing.

  • Dia berjuang melawan diskriminasi rasial.

    He fought against racial discrimination.

  • Dia keberatan dengan rencana kami.

    He objected to our plan.

  • Dia menentang persekusi agama.

    He stood against religious persecution.

  • Dia menentang rencana baru tersebut.

    He is opposed to the new plan.

  • Dia menolak untuk makan sayurannya.

    She is refusing to eat her vegetables.

  • Mereka berdebat tentang akhir film.

    They argued about the movie's ending.

  • Nenekku sangat keras kepala dan tidak pernah berubah pikiran.

    My grandmother is very stubborn and never changes her mind.

  • Pandanganmu sangat berlawanan denganku.

    Your views are quite opposite to mine.

  • Panitia menolak proposal tersebut dengan alasan tidak praktis.

    The committee rejected the proposal on the grounds that it was impractical.

  • Pendapat saya tidak relevan.

    My opinion is irrelevant.

  • Saya kecewa dengan Anda.

    I was disappointed with you.

  • Saya tidak bisa mengikuti logika Anda.

    I cannot follow your logic.

  • Secara umum, anak muda tidak menyukai formalitas.

    In general, young people dislike formality.

  • Tom menolak untuk bekerja.

    Tom refuses to work.

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