Indonesian Sentences About Possibility and Certainty
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Unlock the nuances of "Possibility and Certainty" in Indonesian with our curated list of 20 pivotal sentences on Clozemaster. Perfect for enhancing your Indonesian vocabulary, these sentences come equipped with text-to-speech audio and precise English translations. Designed for learners at the intermediate Indonesian level, this resource immerses you in authentic Indonesian phrases, helping you grasp complex concepts effortlessly. Whether you're practicing Indonesian sentences for language exams or daily conversations, our carefully selected phrases will empower your linguistic journey. Master these essential expressions and elevate your proficiency with precision and clarity. Begin your path to fluency today!
Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Indonesian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.
Ada kemungkinan kami akan datang terlambat.
It's possible we'll arrive late.
Aku bisa membuktikannya.
I can prove it.
Aku mengantisipasi bahwa akan ada masalah dalam ekspedisi mereka.
I anticipate that there will be problems on their expedition.
Anda dapat pergi kemanapun Anda inginkan.
You can go wherever you want.
Apa kamu yakin dengan keputusanmu?
Are you sure about your decision?
Dia memiliki sebuah rumah besar dan dua mobil.
He possessed a large house and two cars.
Dia pasti tidak bersalah.
He must be innocent.
Hal ini tampaknya berisiko.
This seems risky.
Itu pasti benar.
It must be true.
Itu pasti tukang pos.
It must be the postman.
Kapal bisa tenggelam.
Boats can sink.
Karena nilainya yang tinggi, dia pasti akan diterima di universitas.
Due to his high grades, he will inevitably be accepted to the university.
Kemungkinan besar, hujan akan turun sore ini.
In all likelihood, it will rain this afternoon.
Misi ini sudah gagal sejak awal.
The mission was doomed from the start.
Robot dapat bertahan dalam kondisi berbahaya.
Robots can withstand dangerous conditions.
Rumah ini berisiko runtuh.
This house runs the risk of collapsing.
Saya mungkin tidak akan wisuda.
I may not graduate.
Tidak ada yang bisa memprediksi apa yang akan terjadi.
There is no predicting what may happen.
Tom tahu risikonya.
Tom knew the risks.
Tugas tersebut bukanlah hal yang mustahil.
That task is not impossible.
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