Indonesian Sentences About Clothes
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Enhance your Indonesian vocabulary with our curated list of 20 sentences about "Clothes" on Clozemaster. Perfect for learners looking to elevate their skills to an intermediate Indonesian level, these sentences are accompanied by clear text-to-speech audio and accurate English translations. Immerse yourself in practical Indonesian phrases that will bolster your language acquisition journey. With these targeted Indonesian sentences, you'll be able to understand and communicate about clothing effortlessly. Whether you're expanding your vocabulary or improving pronunciation, our comprehensive resource serves as an ideal tool for honing your intermediate Indonesian proficiency. Dive in and start mastering Indonesian today!
Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Indonesian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.
Anda bisa terlihat seperti seorang remaja jika Anda mengenakan kaus.
You could pass for a teenager if you wore a T-shirt.
Apa kamu sudah selesai berpakaian?
Have you finished dressing?
Berapa banyak topi yang Anda miliki?
How many hats do you own?
Dia memakai berlian yang berkilauan.
She was wearing sparkling diamonds.
Dia memakai jas abu-abu hari ini.
He wore a gray suit today.
Dia mengencangkan ikat pinggangnya.
He tightened his belt.
Dia menyukai gaun pinknya.
She loves her pink dress.
Dokter itu mengenakan gaun putih dengan setelan jas biru.
The doctor was in a white gown over a blue suit.
Gaun itu serasi dengan rambut merahnya.
That dress matches her red hair.
Ikat kepala sangat elastis.
The headband is very elastic.
Jahitan celanaku robek-robek.
The seams of my pants are ripping.
Jas hujan ini tersedia dalam berbagai ukuran.
This raincoat comes in all sizes.
Kain ini sangat halus dan lembut.
This cloth is really smooth and silky.
Kaus kaki dan sepatu ketsnya masih baru.
The socks and sneakers are new.
Pakaian sering kali menyusut ketika dicuci dengan tidak benar.
Clothes often shrink when improperly washed.
Roknya panjang.
The skirt is long.
Saya menggunakan terlalu banyak pemutih dan membuat lubang di baju saya.
I used too much bleach and made a hole in my shirt.
Tom membeli tali sepatu baru untuk sepatunya.
Tom bought new laces for his shoes.
Tom mengancingkan kancing mantelnya.
Tom buttoned up his coat.
Tom sedang mencoba sepatu.
Tom is trying on shoes.
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