Indonesian Sentences About Driving

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Discover an engaging way to enhance your Indonesian vocabulary with our carefully curated list of 20 sentences about "Driving" in Indonesian. Perfect for learners seeking to strengthen their intermediate Indonesian skills, this page offers practical Indonesian sentences and phrases accompanied by English translations. Each sentence features text-to-speech audio to help improve your pronunciation. Dive into the nuances of everyday language and gain confidence in your conversational abilities. Whether you're preparing for a trip to Indonesia or expanding your linguistic knowledge, explore our driving-themed collection and accelerate your learning journey today with Clozemaster.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Indonesian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Dia berprasangka buruk terhadap pengemudi wanita.

    He was prejudiced against women drivers.

  • Dia membuka kopernya.

    He popped the trunk.

  • Dia menekan pedal rem.

    He pressed the brake pedal.

  • Dia menyetir ke tempat kerja setiap hari.

    He drives to work daily.

  • Fendernya penyok cukup parah.

    The fender was badly dented.

  • Ia berusaha menghindari kemacetan.

    He tried to avoid the traffic.

  • Jalanannya bergelombang.

    The roads are bumpy.

  • Kami memarkir mobil di garasi.

    We parked the car in the garage.

  • Kamu harus menjaga kaca depanmu tetap bersih.

    You should keep your windshield clean.

  • Mobil ini melaju jauh lebih cepat dari itu.

    This car goes much faster than that.

  • Mobil sudah siap.

    The car is ready.

  • Remnya hilang!

    The brakes are gone!

  • Saya memutar kemudi ke kanan.

    I turned my steering wheel to the right.

  • Saya mengendarai motor.

    I am riding a motorcycle.

  • Saya menginjak pedal gas dengan hati-hati.

    I stepped on the accelerator carefully.

  • Selalu ada banyak kendaraan di jalan ini.

    There are always a lot of vehicles on this road.

  • Tom menginjak rem.

    Tom stepped on the brake.

  • Tom sedang memarkir mobil van.

    Tom is parking the van.

  • Tom terus membunyikan klakson.

    Tom continued to honk the horn.

  • Tujuan dari bundaran adalah untuk memperlambat lalu lintas.

    The purpose of a roundabout is to slow down traffic.

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