Indonesian Sentences About Meeting People

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Welcome to Clozemaster's curated collection of 20 essential "Meeting People" sentences in Indonesian, designed to enhance your Indonesian vocabulary and conversational skills. Perfect for learners at the intermediate level, this page offers a practical and engaging way to immerse yourself in the language. Each sentence is accompanied by text-to-speech audio for precise pronunciation, and English translations to reinforce understanding. Dive deeper into Indonesian sentences and phrases that will elevate your communication abilities. Whether you're preparing for travel or deepening your language knowledge, these sentences are a stepping stone toward fluency in Indonesian.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Indonesian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Aku berkenalan dengannya tiga tahun yang lalu.

    I got acquainted with him three years ago.

  • Aku bertemu dengan seorang biksu dari Thailand.

    I met a monk from Thailand.

  • Aku bertemu temanmu.

    I met your friend.

  • Aku bertemu Tom di Australia.

    I met Tom in Australia.

  • Aku bertemu Tom di sebuah klub.

    I met Tom at a club.

  • Dia adalah tamu kita untuk minggu ini.

    She is our guest for this week.

  • Dia berbicara dengan siapa pun yang dia temui.

    He spoke to whomever he met.

  • Dia tersenyum pada orang asing yang lewat.

    She smiled at the passing stranger.

  • Hai, senang bertemu denganmu.

    Hi, nice to meet you.

  • Halo, apa kabar hari ini?

    Hello, how are you today?

  • Itu adalah pertemuan yang sangat beruntung.

    It was a very fortunate meeting.

  • Itu adalah pertemuan yang santai.

    It was a casual meeting.

  • Kami bertemu dengan mereka di terminal bus.

    We ran into them at the bus terminal.

  • Kami bertemu di tempat yang telah ditentukan.

    We met at the designated spot.

  • Mereka menyambut kami dengan hangat.

    They greeted us warmly.

  • Satu orang lagi akan bergabung dengan kita nanti.

    One more person will be joining us later.

  • Senang bertemu dengan mu.

    Nice to meet you.

  • Siapa nama mu?

    What is your name?

  • Temui aku di bar hotel.

    Meet me at the hotel bar.

  • Tom memperkenalkan Mary kepada John.

    Tom introduced Mary to John.

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