Indonesian Sentences About Compliments
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Enhance your Indonesian language skills with our curated collection of 20 Indonesian sentences focused on "Compliments". Perfect for intermediate learners, this resource includes text-to-speech audio and English translations to help you master Indonesian vocabulary and phrases more effectively. Whether you're committed to expanding your Indonesian phrases repertoire or preparing for real-world conversations, these carefully selected sentences serve as a practical tool for improving your language proficiency. Dive deep into authentic Indonesian interactions and refine your skills with Clozemaster, your trusted partner in fostering a nuanced understanding of intermediate Indonesian vocabulary and expressions. Start speaking Indonesian with confidence today!
Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Indonesian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.
Anak anjing itu sangat lucu.
That puppy is so cute.
Cookie adalah yang paling lucu dari semua anjing.
Cookie is the cutest of all the dogs.
Dia adalah orang yang baik hati.
He is a kind man.
Dia adalah tetangga yang sangat ramah.
She is a most gracious neighbor.
Dia memainkan biola dengan indah.
He plays the violin beautifully.
Dia menulis dengan indah.
He writes beautifully.
Gaun itu sangat bagus untuknya.
That dress is very flattering on her.
Guru mereka memuji mereka.
Their teacher praised them.
Ia cukup fotogenik dan tampak hebat dalam foto.
He is quite photogenic and looks great in photos.
Ini adalah mousse cokelat terbaik yang pernah disantap oleh para tamu saya.
This is the best chocolate mousse that my guests have ever eaten.
Ini sangat menakjubkan.
This is so amazing.
Kakak laki-lakiku sangat bijaksana.
My elder brother is very wise.
Kalimat-kalimatmu bagaikan padang rumput hijau di musim dingin.
Your sentences were like a green meadow in winter.
Kamu orang yang baik.
You are a nice person.
Kecantikannya tidak ada bandingannya.
Her beauty is incomparable.
Kucing ini sungguh menggemaskan.
The cat is adorable.
Para pencipta acara ini sangat berbakat.
The creators of the show are talented.
Pengertian Anda sangat kami hargai.
Your understanding is much appreciated.
Rumah Anda fantastis.
Your house is fantastic.
Sopan santun selalu dihargai.
Good manners are always appreciated.
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