Indonesian Sentences About Shopping

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Boost your Indonesian vocabulary with our curated list of 20 essential sentences about "Shopping" on Clozemaster. Perfect for learners at the intermediate level, this collection includes audio features for each sentence, allowing you to practice pronunciation with ease. Accompanied by English translations, these practical Indonesian sentences and phrases will enhance your language skills and prepare you for real-life shopping experiences. Whether you're aiming to expand your vocabulary or improve your conversational fluency, these sentences offer a valuable resource for mastering Indonesian. Dive into our interactive platform and start building confidence in your Indonesian communication today!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Indonesian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Aku ingin pengembalian dana.

    I want a refund.

  • Aku mau meja yang rendah.

    I want a low table.

  • Aku mau membeli nanas.

    I want to buy a pineapple.

  • Apa ini gratis?

    Is it free?

  • Berapa harga satu meter sutra merah ini?

    How much is a meter of this red silk?

  • Dia membeli apel segar dari pasar.

    She bought fresh apples from the market.

  • Dia membeli ayam.

    She bought chicken.

  • Dia membeli sepasang sepatu merah.

    She bought a pair of red shoes.

  • Di mana aku bisa membeli batu bata?

    Where can I buy bricks?

  • Di mana toko roti?

    Where is the bakery?

  • Garansi untuk TV-ku telah berakhir.

    The warranty for my TV is expired.

  • Ini adalah toko termurah di kota.

    This is the cheapest store in town.

  • Kami membeli barang-barang penting untuk perjalanan kami.

    We bought essentials for our trip.

  • Kami membeli CD.

    We buy CDs.

  • Kamu harus membayar ekstra untuk baterainya.

    You need to pay extra for the batteries.

  • Kenapa kamu membeli bunga?

    Why did you buy flowers?

  • Mal itu sepi.

    The mall is deserted.

  • Mereka sudah tidak memiliki stok lagi.

    They had no more stock available.

  • Sepatu dijual berpasangan.

    Shoes are sold in pairs.

  • Suvenir terjual atau dijual.

    Souvenirs are sold or are for sale.

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