Indonesian Sentences About Feeling

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Boost your Indonesian vocabulary with Clozemaster’s curated list of 20 essential sentences focused on expressions of "Feeling" in Indonesian. Ideal for intermediate learners, this collection offers rich, real-world Indonesian sentences complete with text-to-speech audio and English translations. Each carefully selected phrase is designed to deepen your understanding and usage of Indonesian phrases, enhancing your language proficiency and confidence. Whether you’re honing your skills or preparing for a trip, these sentences will enrich your linguistic repertoire. Dive into the nuances of Indonesian emotion language today and take a significant step forward in mastering intermediate Indonesian.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Indonesian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Aku bisa hidup dengan damai di sini.

    I could live peacefully here.

  • Aku butuh istirahat.

    I need a breather.

  • Aku mau pulang.

    I want to go home.

  • Aku merasa linglung ketika bangun.

    I felt dazed when I got up.

  • Aku merasa sedikit mual setelah perjalanan.

    I feel a bit queasy after the ride.

  • Aku merasa segar.

    I feel refreshed.

  • Aku sangat lapar.

    I am terribly hungry.

  • Dari membaca buku-buku yang bagus, kita dapat memperoleh kesenangan.

    From reading good books we can derive pleasure.

  • Dia merasa puas dengan keputusannya.

    She felt content with her decision.

  • Dia merasa seperti di rumah sendiri.

    He feels at home.

  • Dia merasa terganggu oleh suara yang keras.

    She feels disturbed by the loud noise.

  • Itu adalah pengalaman yang sangat berharga.

    It was a very rewarding experience.

  • Jantung saya berdebar-debar.

    My heart is pounding.

  • Kau terlihat tidak yakin.

    You look unsure.

  • Kombinasi tersebut meninggalkan rasa yang tidak enak di mulut.

    The combination leaves a bad taste in the mouth.

  • Saya berharap bisa lulus tes besok.

    I am hoping to pass the test tomorrow.

  • Saya merasa mengantuk setelah hari yang panjang.

    I feel sleepy after a long day.

  • Saya merasa terlahir kembali.

    I felt reborn.

  • Segarkan diri Anda dengan secangkir teh.

    Refresh yourself with a cup of tea.

  • Setelah sakit, dia merasa lemah.

    After the illness, he felt weak.

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