Indonesian Sentences About Stating Preferences
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Boost your Indonesian vocabulary with Clozemaster's carefully curated list of 20 sentences focused on "Stating Preferences" in Indonesian. Designed for intermediate learners, this collection helps you master essential Indonesian phrases through practical examples. Each sentence comes with text-to-speech audio and English translations, enabling you to improve your Indonesian pronunciation and comprehension effectively. Whether you're looking to expand your vocabulary or enhance your conversational skills, these sentences provide a valuable resource for learning Indonesian in context. Dive in and explore these versatile Indonesian sentences to elevate your language proficiency to new heights.
Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Indonesian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.
Aku akan minum teh hijau melati.
I would drink some jasmine green tea.
Aku suka permen.
I like candies.
Apa kamu suka kopi atau teh?
Do you like coffee or tea?
Dia adalah seorang pecinta alam.
She is a lover of nature.
Dia menikmati menjadi seorang vegetarian.
He enjoys being a vegetarian.
Dia menyukai penyanyi itu.
She likes the singer.
Dia orangnya pemakan segala jenis makanan.
She is not a picky eater.
Hanya orang yang menganggur yang berkencan pada hari Rabu.
Only unemployed people date on Wednesdays.
Ia lebih memilih ikan daripada daging.
He prefers fish to meat.
Itu adalah hari yang ideal untuk berjalan kaki.
It was an ideal day for walking.
Kami makan ikan mentah.
We eat raw fish.
Kami senang pergi ke pantai.
We enjoy going to the beach.
Matematika adalah pelajaran favorit saya.
Mathematics is my favorite subject.
Preferensi musik berbeda-beda dari setiap orang.
Music preferences vary from person to person.
Saya doyan teh daripada kopi.
I prefer tea over coffee.
Saya memutuskan untuk berhenti merokok.
I decided to quit smoking.
Saya, secara pribadi, menyukai cokelat.
I, personally, love chocolates.
Saya tidak menyukai salah satu dari kedua kue tersebut.
I like neither of the cakes.
Seleraku sangat berbeda dengan seleramu.
My tastes differ greatly from yours.
Tentu saja, banyak warga senior yang senang dengan masa pensiun.
Of course, many senior citizens are happy with retirement.
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