Indonesian Sentences About Sports
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Enhance your Indonesian vocabulary with our curated list of 20 sports-related Indonesian sentences on Clozemaster. Perfect for intermediate Indonesian learners, each sentence is thoughtfully designed to boost your language skills. With text-to-speech audio and accurate English translations, you'll effortlessly grasp new Indonesian phrases and enhance pronunciation. Whether you're refining your language skills or preparing for travel, these Indonesian sentences about sports will enrich your learning experience. Dive into the dynamic world of sports and expand your vocabulary with engaging and practical phrases. Begin your journey towards mastering intermediate Indonesian today!
Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Indonesian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.
Aku mengalami cedera betis saat bermain basket.
I injured my calf playing basketball.
Apa kamu gemar bermain golf?
Are you fond of golf?
Apa kamu suka bowling?
Do you like bowling?
Bob senang berolahraga.
Bob enjoys playing sports.
Dia adalah seorang atlet yang baik.
He is a good athlete.
Dia hampir tidak bisa berjalan setelah berlari.
She could barely walk after running.
Dia memenangkan perlombaan.
She is winning the race.
Dia sangat agresif saat berolahraga.
He is very aggressive when playing sports.
Itu adalah sebuah pelanggaran.
It was a foul play.
Kalian berdua adalah inti dari tim.
You two are the nucleus of the team.
Mari kita mainkan permainan squash.
Let's play a game of squash.
Mereka merasa gugup saat menonton bola basket.
They get nervous while watching basketball.
Prediksinya untuk pertandingan itu salah.
His prediction for the game was wrong.
Ron suka berselancar.
Ron likes surfing.
Sang pemain menyerang wasit.
The player attacked the referee.
Saya sering bermain bola voli.
I play volleyball a lot.
Setelah mengalami benturan keras dalam permainan, pemain tersebut tidak sadarkan diri.
After a hard hit in the game, the player was unconscious.
Tim kami masih belum terkalahkan.
Our team is still undefeated.
Tom memenangkan kejuaraan tersebut.
Tom won the championship.
Tom menyukai lacrosse.
Tom likes lacrosse.
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