Indonesian Sentences About Daily Routines

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Boost your Indonesian vocabulary with Clozemaster's expertly curated collection of 20 sentences about "Daily Routines." Perfect for intermediate Indonesian learners, these sentences are designed to enhance your linguistic skills and comprehension. Each sentence comes with text-to-speech audio, ensuring correct pronunciation, and includes accurate English translations for better understanding. Whether you're looking to learn practical Indonesian phrases to incorporate into your daily interactions or deepen your understanding of Indonesian sentences, this resource is tailored for you. Explore real-world scenarios to improve your fluency and confidence in using the Indonesian language effectively in everyday contexts.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Indonesian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Dia bangun lebih awal.

    He wakes up early.

  • Dia memecahkan sesuatu setiap kali dia membersihkan ruangan.

    She breaks something every time she cleans the room.

  • Dia menghabiskan pagi hari dengan mengikat simpul.

    He spent the morning tying knots.

  • Dia mengonsumsi vitamin.

    He takes vitamins.

  • Dia merokok setelah makan malam.

    He smoked a cigarette after dinner.

  • Dia mulai menanggalkan pakaiannya untuk tidur.

    She began to undress for bed.

  • Jason menghabiskan pagi harinya dengan memancing.

    Jason spent his morning fishing.

  • Kami menghabiskan hari di luar ruangan.

    We spent the day outdoors.

  • Kenapa kamu mengeringkan rambutmu?

    Why are you drying your hair?

  • Mereka mengakhiri pertemuan pada siang hari.

    They conclude the meeting at noon.

  • Pagi hari bisa terasa berat tanpa kopi.

    Mornings can be tough without coffee.

  • Petarung ini berlatih keras setiap hari.

    The fighter trained hard every day.

  • Saya tetap berada di tempat tidur sepanjang pagi.

    I stayed in bed all morning.

  • Tom kehilangan lensa kontak.

    Tom lost a contact lens.

  • Tom keluar dari bak mandi.

    Tom got out of the bathtub.

  • Tom memakaikan kalung kutu pada anjingnya.

    Tom put a flea collar on his dog.

  • Tom mengalami minggu yang sibuk.

    Tom had a hectic week.

  • Tom menyalakan api.

    Tom lit the fire.

  • Tom selalu mengerjakan tugas sekolahnya dengan tekun.

    Tom always does his schoolwork diligently.

  • Untuk kudapan, dia makan buah atau kacang-kacangan.

    For snacks, she eats fruit or nuts.

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