Indonesian Sentences About Body
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Enhance your Indonesian vocabulary with our curated list of 20 sentences focused on the "Body" category. This page is perfect for language learners looking to master Indonesian sentences and phrases, particularly at an intermediate level. Each sentence is paired with text-to-speech audio and English translations to aid your comprehension and pronunciation skills. By engaging with these practical examples, you can effectively expand your understanding of body-related vocabulary in Indonesian. Whether you're traveling to Indonesia or just passionate about improving your language skills, this resource is your gateway to mastering intermediate Indonesian vocabulary with ease and confidence.
Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Indonesian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.
Air mata mengalir di pipinya.
A tear rolled down her cheek.
Air mata mengalir di pipi saya.
Tears ran down my cheeks.
Aku merasakan sakit yang berdenyut-denyut di sini.
I have a throbbing pain here.
Aku sering bersin.
I sneeze a lot.
Anak laki-laki itu sangat pucat dan seluruh anggota tubuhnya gemetar kedinginan.
The boy was very pale and trembled in every limb with cold.
Berat badanku bertambah.
I have gained weight.
Dia adalah yang terberat di antara kami semua.
He is the heaviest of us all.
Dia membawa tas ransel di punggungnya.
She is carrying a backpack on her back.
Dia membenturkan lututnya ke meja.
He bashed his knee on the table.
Dia menarik napas dalam-dalam.
She breathed deeply.
Dia mencengkeram tanganku.
He gripped my hand.
Dia menepuk pundak saya.
He tapped me on the shoulder.
Dia mengusap matanya.
She rubbed her eyes.
Kehamilan manusia berlangsung selama sembilan bulan.
Human pregnancy lasts nine months.
Kepala saya terasa meledak.
My head is exploding.
Lututnya terasa sangat bengkak.
His knee was painfully swollen.
Perut adalah salah satu organ internal.
The stomach is one of the internal organs.
Saya memejamkan mata.
I closed my eyes.
Saya mengalami keguguran tahun lalu.
I had a miscarriage last year.
Tom mengatupkan giginya.
Tom clenched his teeth.
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