Indonesian Sentences About House

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Unlock the door to mastering Indonesian with our curated list of 20 sentences about "House" on Clozemaster. Perfect for intermediate learners, this page offers a unique way to enhance your Indonesian vocabulary through practical phrases. Each sentence comes with text-to-speech audio and English translations, providing an immersive learning experience. Whether you're looking to expand your vocabulary or fine-tune your pronunciation, these Indonesian sentences offer a practical insight into everyday language. Dive into the world of Indonesian phrases and watch your communication skills flourish. Ideal for anyone serious about improving their grasp of intermediate Indonesian. Start learning today!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Indonesian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Dia memberiku segelas air.

    He gave me a glass of water.

  • Dia tinggal di sebuah apartemen yang jelek.

    He lived in a crappy apartment.

  • Ini adalah hari yang menyenangkan untuk memotong rumput.

    It's a nice day for mowing the lawn.

  • Itu adalah rumah yang sangat besar.

    That's a very big house.

  • Kamar tidur berada di lantai atas.

    The bedrooms are upstairs.

  • Kamar tidurnya sarat dengan ornamen yang indah.

    The bedroom was laden with beautiful ornaments.

  • Kami membangun rumahmu sesuai dengan keinginanmu.

    We are building your house in compliance with your wishes.

  • Kami menandatangani kontrak untuk rumah tersebut.

    We signed a contract for the house.

  • Kami tinggal di dua rumah terpisah.

    We live in two separate houses.

  • Lantai marmer itu indah.

    Marble floors are beautiful.

  • Letakkan buku di rak paling atas.

    Put the book on the top shelf.

  • Mary menyukai pagar bambunya.

    Mary loves her bamboo fence.

  • Mereka meletakkan fondasi rumah.

    They laid the foundation of the house.

  • Mereka menyewa sebuah apartemen.

    They rented an apartment.

  • Rumah ini memiliki banyak nilai.

    This house has a lot of value.

  • Rumah ini memiliki tiga kamar mandi.

    This house has three bathrooms.

  • Rumah kami berada di punggung bukit itu.

    Our house is on that ridge.

  • Rumah mereka memiliki sistem keamanan yang baik.

    Their house had a good security system.

  • Tom berada di atas atap.

    Tom is on the roof.

  • Tom menambahkan sebuah ruangan di rumahnya.

    Tom added a room to his house.

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