Indonesian Sentences About Games

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Welcome to our Clozemaster page, where you can enhance your Indonesian vocabulary with 20 carefully curated sentences about "Games" in Indonesian. Perfect for those at an intermediate Indonesian level, each sentence is accompanied by text-to-speech audio and English translations, helping you to master Indonesian sentences and phrases efficiently. Our interactive approach ensures you can hear real pronunciations, making it easier to learn and retain new words. Whether you're building foundational skills or expanding your linguistic horizons, these sentences are designed to elevate your understanding and fluency of the Indonesian language. Dive in and discover the power of effective language learning today!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Indonesian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Aku bermain permainan papan hanya untuk bersosialisasi.

    I play board games just to socialize.

  • Aku mengalahkannya di golf.

    I beat him at golf.

  • Aku suka bermain solitaire.

    I love playing solitaire.

  • Ambil sebuah kartu.

    Take a card.

  • Anak-anak bermain pasir di pantai.

    Children play with sand at beaches.

  • Apa kamu pernah bermain domino?

    Have you ever played dominoes?

  • Benteng adalah bidak catur.

    A rook is a chess piece.

  • Berapa skor saat turun minum?

    What was the score at halftime?

  • Bermain go adalah satu-satunya rekreasi saya.

    Playing go is my only recreation.

  • Dia adalah pemenang lomba.

    He was the winner of the race.

  • Dia bisa mengalahkan siapa pun dalam permainan catur.

    He can beat anyone at chess.

  • Dia menang dalam permainan catur.

    He won at the game of checker.

  • Hadirin sekalian, mulailah permainan.

    Ladies and gentlemen, start the game.

  • Kami melakukan pertarungan bola salju.

    We had a snowball fight.

  • Lempar dadu.

    Throw the dice.

  • Penjudi senang mengambil risiko.

    Gamblers enjoy taking risks.

  • Saya memenangkan lotre.

    I won the lottery.

  • Tim apa yang bermain?

    What teams were playing?

  • Tom mengalahkan Mary dalam permainan catur.

    Tom beat Mary at checkers.

  • Tom menyelesaikan teka-teki jigsaw.

    Tom completed the jigsaw puzzle.

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