Indonesian Sentences About Business

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Enhance your Indonesian vocabulary with our curated list of 20 business-related sentences on Clozemaster. Perfect for intermediate learners, this collection features practical Indonesian phrases complete with English translations and text-to-speech audio, allowing you to master pronunciation effortlessly. Each sentence is carefully selected to boost your understanding of business terminology in daily conversations. Whether you're looking to improve your language skills for professional purposes or to expand your conversational repertoire, these Indonesian sentences will provide you with the vocabulary you need. Start advancing your language proficiency with our engaging and informative Indonesian business sentence list.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Indonesian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Ada optimisme yang cukup besar bahwa ekonomi akan membaik.

    There is considerable optimism that the economy will improve.

  • Apakah kiriman sudah sampai?

    Has the shipment arrived yet?

  • Apa kamu mau bergabung dengan tim kami?

    Would you like to join our team?

  • Apa kamu punya showroom untuk produkmu di kota?

    Do you have a showroom for your products in the city?

  • Berkas-berkas tersebut hilang.

    The files are missing.

  • Dewan sedang mempertimbangkan usulan baru untuk meningkatkan penjualan.

    The board is considering a new proposition to increase sales.

  • Dia akan mengantarkan paket tersebut besok.

    She will deliver the package tomorrow.

  • Dia berencana untuk mengambil alih perusahaan.

    She was scheming to take over the company.

  • Dia ditipu oleh dealer yang tidak bermoral.

    He was cheated by an unscrupulous dealer.

  • Dia menjual radio.

    He sells radios.

  • Dia selalu mengambil keuntungan dari kesalahan yang dibuat oleh para pesaingnya.

    He always takes advantage of the mistakes made by his rivals.

  • Gaji telah meningkat.

    Salaries have increased.

  • Ia menginvestasikan sejumlah besar uangnya dalam bentuk saham.

    He invested a large sum in stocks.

  • Kami menyayangi pelanggan kami.

    We love our customers.

  • Koran dijual di kios.

    Newspapers are sold in the kiosk.

  • Rasa frustrasi semakin memuncak saat tenggat waktu semakin dekat.

    Frustrations mounted as the deadline rapidly approached.

  • Sekretaris memasukkan surat itu ke dalam amplop.

    The secretary inserted the letter in the envelope.

  • Serikat pekerja telah mengancam pemerintah dengan pemogokan umum.

    The labor unions had been threatening the government with a general strike.

  • Silakan isi kuesioner ini dan kirimkan kepada kami.

    Please fill out this questionnaire and send it to us.

  • Tim kami akan mengerjakan sebuah proyek penting bulan depan.

    Our team is working on an important project next month.

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