Indonesian Sentences About Cooking

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Boost your Indonesian vocabulary and enhance your language skills with our curated list of 20 Indonesian sentences about cooking, perfect for intermediate learners. Each sentence is accompanied by text-to-speech audio and precise English translations, making it easier than ever to grasp nuances and improve comprehension. Whether you're passionate about cooking or aiming to broaden your Indonesian phrases repertoire, these practical sentences will enrich your linguistic journey. Dive into real-life scenarios and elevate your proficiency with Clozemaster's engaging content designed specifically for mastering intermediate Indonesian. Explore now and become more fluent with everyday phrases related to the culinary world.

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Indonesian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Adonan roti mengembang perlahan-lahan di dapur yang hangat.

    The bread dough rises slowly in the warm kitchen.

  • Apa kamu bisa memasak telur dadar?

    Can you cook an omelet?

  • Apa maksud Anda menjatuhkan sendok ke dalam panci?

    What do you mean you dropped the ladle in the pot?

  • Biji buah persik susah dilepaskan.

    The peach pits are difficult to remove.

  • Cobalah saus ini.

    Try this sauce.

  • Dia membuat saus cranberry untuk menemani bebeknya.

    He made a cranberry sauce to accompany the duck.

  • Dia membutuhkan dua kali lipat jumlah tepung untuk resep kue tersebut.

    She needed double the amount of flour for the cake recipe.

  • Dia mencampur gula dengan susu.

    He mixed sugar with milk.

  • Dia mulai mencincang bawang putih.

    She began to mince the garlic.

  • Dia sedang memanggang di atas arang.

    He was grilling over charcoal.

  • Gunakan saringan untuk meniriskan pasta.

    Use a sieve to drain the pasta.

  • Kemarin, aku memanggang kue kering dengan jamur.

    Yesterday, I baked pastries with mushrooms.

  • Pengawet harus disimpan dalam toples dengan segel kedap udara.

    Preserves must be stored in a jar with an airtight seal.

  • Satukan semuanya dan, voila, makan malam.

    Put everything together and, voilà, dinner.

  • Saya membumbui ikan dengan garam dan merica.

    I seasoned the fish with salt and pepper.

  • Seorang koki berpengalaman mengajarinya memasak.

    An experienced chef taught him cooking.

  • Tom membuat sandwich selai kacang untuk dirinya sendiri.

    Tom made himself a peanut butter sandwich.

  • Tom mengiris-iris selada.

    Tom shredded the lettuce.

  • Tom sedang memanggang daging.

    Tom is grilling meat.

  • Untuk membuat kue tart, Anda membutuhkan telur, mentega, dan gula.

    To make a tart, you need eggs, butter, and sugar.

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