Indonesian Sentences About Society
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Enhance your Indonesian vocabulary with our curated list of 20 sentences about "Society" on Clozemaster. Perfect for learners at an intermediate level, this resource offers Indonesian sentences paired with English translations to boost your understanding and fluency. Dive into relevant Indonesian phrases with the added benefit of text-to-speech audio, helping you master pronunciation and context. Whether you're aiming to improve your intermediate Indonesian skills or expand your language knowledge, these sentences provide an invaluable tool. Begin your journey toward proficiency and connect more deeply with Indonesian culture and society through practical language immersion.
Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Indonesian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.
Aku bermain permainan papan hanya untuk bersosialisasi.
I play board games just to socialize.
Banyak yang memimpikan utopia yang sempurna.
Many dream of a perfect utopia.
Dia berasal dari komunitas Ethiopia.
She is from the Ethiopian community.
Dia meninggalkan tradisi lama.
He turned his back on the old traditions.
Dia telah membantu orang miskin sepanjang hidupnya.
He has helped the poor throughout his life.
Hanya ada beberapa tempat di dunia yang memberikanmu kebebasan seperti itu.
There are few places in the world that give you such freedoms.
Ini adalah harta yang tak ternilai bagi umat manusia.
This is a priceless treasure to mankind.
Kami akan terus melanjutkan upaya kami untuk menghapus diskriminasi rasial.
We shall continue our efforts to eradicate racial discrimination.
Kamu bilang kalau hampir semua temanmu orang Kanada.
You said almost all of your friends were Canadians.
Kejahatan semakin meningkat.
Crime is increasing.
Komunitas budaya sering kali menjadi tuan rumah acara.
Cultural societies often host events.
Kota ini memiliki banyak geng.
The city had lots of gangs.
Masyarakat berteriak-teriak untuk mendapatkan lebih banyak pekerjaan dan pajak yang lebih rendah.
The public is clamoring for more jobs and lower taxes.
Masyarakat kita perlu bekerja sama untuk menghentikan polusi.
Our society needs to work together to stop pollution.
Mereka tidak boleh campur tangan dalam urusan dalam negeri negara lain.
They should not intervene in the internal affairs of another country.
Orang dapat beralih ke hukum jika mereka ingin memperbaiki ketidakadilan.
People can turn to the law if they want to correct an injustice.
Perempuan bukanlah objek.
Women are not objects.
Prasangka mendorong intoleransi terhadap orang lain.
Prejudice promotes intolerance towards others.
Saya bekerja untuk kesejahteraan masyarakat.
I work for public welfare.
Tidak ada yang bisa dilakukan oleh remaja.
There is nothing for teenagers to do.
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