Indonesian Sentences About Senses

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Improve your Indonesian vocabulary and take your language skills to the next level with Clozemaster's curated list of 20 sentences focused on "Senses" in Indonesian. Perfect for learners aiming to enhance their intermediate Indonesian, this page offers practical sentences complete with text-to-speech audio and English translations. Each sentence is designed to help you grasp Indonesian phrases effectively, allowing you to practice pronunciation and comprehension simultaneously. Whether you're looking to refine your conversational skills or expand your understanding of Indonesian sentences, this resource is an indispensable tool for every aspiring Indonesian speaker. Dive in and start mastering Indonesian today!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Indonesian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Air mataku berlinang saat aku memotong bawang.

    Tears came into my eyes when I was chopping onions.

  • Aku tahu suara itu.

    I know that sound.

  • Bar tersebut sangat berasap sehingga mataku mulai terasa perih.

    The bar was so smoky that my eyes started to sting.

  • Bau di dalam ruangan sangat menyengat.

    The smell in the room was nasty.

  • Cium ini.

    Smell this.

  • Cuka memiliki rasa yang tajam.

    Vinegar has a sharp taste.

  • Dia melihat api kecil.

    He saw a small fire.

  • Dia mendengar suara di malam hari.

    She hears voices in the night.

  • Dia mendengar suara langkah kaki.

    He heard footsteps.

  • Dia menelan makanannya dengan cepat.

    He swallowed his food quickly.

  • Hidungku gatal.

    My nose itches.

  • Itu punya bau yang wangi.

    It has a pleasant odor.

  • Kau dengar itu?

    Did you hear it?

  • Labu ini berbau seperti melon.

    This squash smells like melon.

  • Parfumnya memenuhi seluruh ruangan.

    Her perfume filled the entire room.

  • Sabun beraroma cenderung membuat kulitnya gatal.

    Scented soaps tended to make her skin itch.

  • Saya mencium aroma mawar.

    I am smelling the roses.

  • Sebuah suara membangunkannya.

    A noise woke her up.

  • Sesuatu di dapur berbau harum.

    Something in the kitchen smells good.

  • Susu ini memiliki bau yang khas.

    This milk has a peculiar smell.

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