Indonesian Sentences About Directions

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Discover the ultimate resource for enhancing your Indonesian vocabulary with our curated list of 20 sentences about "Directions" on Clozemaster. Ideal for intermediate Indonesian learners, this page offers practical Indonesian sentences and phrases complete with text-to-speech audio and precise English translations. Whether you're navigating through Indonesian streets or aiming to enrich your language skills, our comprehensive selection ensures a robust learning experience. Perfect your pronunciation and comprehension by engaging with real-life contexts, and watch as your confidence in using Indonesian phrases grows exponentially. Dive in and elevate your language journey with Clozemaster's interactive and effective approach!

Sentences and translations are from native speakers. Audio is high quality text-to-speech. Sentences are sampled from the Indonesian from English Fluency Fast Track collections on Clozemaster.

  • Bawa tas tersebut ke lantai atas.

    Take the bags upstairs.

  • Berhati-hatilah saat menyeberang jalan.

    Be careful crossing the street.

  • Berjalanlah di sepanjang tepi taman.

    Walk along the edge of the park.

  • Dia berasal dari utara.

    She comes from the north.

  • Dia berjalan menuju taman.

    He walked towards the park.

  • Dia datang melalui jalan bebas hambatan.

    He came by the freeway.

  • Dia memandu kami ke stasiun.

    He led us to the station.

  • Dia memberi saya instruksi yang tepat untuk melakukan pekerjaan itu.

    He gave me precise instructions to do the job.

  • Duduklah dalam lingkaran.

    Sit in a circle.

  • Gunakan peta untuk menemukan tujuan.

    Use the map to find the destination.

  • Ini adalah jalan menuju taman.

    This is the way to the park.

  • Jalan ini menghubungkan kedua kota tersebut.

    This road connects the two cities.

  • Kita harus mengambil rute yang lebih cepat.

    We should take the quicker route.

  • Letakkan mantel di gantungan.

    Put the coat on the hanger.

  • Matahari terbenam di barat.

    The sun sets in the west.

  • Meluncur menuruni bukit sambil mendistribusikan berat badanmu secara merata di kedua papan ski.

    Slide down the hill while distributing your weight equally on both skis.

  • Metro ada di sebelah kanan!

    The metro is on the right!

  • Mintalah petunjuk arah kepada polisi.

    Ask a policeman for directions.

  • Saya tahu jalan pintas.

    I know a shortcut.

  • Seorang wanita bertanya kepada saya tentang arah.

    A woman asked me for directions.

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